New G.I. Joe Classified


Hasbro Pulsecon 2021 has wrapped up their G.I. Joe segment, and were happy to announce one new figure the fans have eagerly been awaiting. The all new Going Commando Snake Eyes will be available for pre-order from Target at 5:00 PM today, limited one per customer, with only ten being produced. Good luck!


In all seriousness, Hasbro announced several figures today which included Spirit with Freedom, Storm Shadow, Croc Master and Fiona and B.A.T. Hasbro also announced the next wave of Target exclusives, which will shift the line from Cobra Island to Tiger Force and Python Patrol. These initial figures will include Outback (Tiger Force), B.A.T. (Python Patrol), and Cobra Viper (Python Patrol).

These three figures don't really excite me. Tiger Force and Python Patrol were great back in the day, but they don't necessarily scream "amazing" in six inch form. More so an excuse to create "cheap" repaints on Hasbro's part, because let's be honest, B.A.T. is already coming, Viper has already come, and Outback will hit at some point int he future in his traditional gear. Especially now that Hasbro has the mold. With that said, I'd be perfectly happy if all future exclusives were just repaints. It would make missing out on them a bit easier to swallow.

Croc Master has been one of my favorite figures since 1987, so I'm really excited to see this one come out.

Many people tend to forget that Storm Shadow was Spirit's original adversary in the cartoon, not Snake Eyes. So to me, this release schedule works perfectly.

Hasbro Pulse members can pre-order the already known about Master of Disguise Zartan as of 4:00 PM, and he will then be made available to everyone else as of 5:00 PM. Target's pre-orders will also be available at 5:00 PM today. At this time, the regular B.A.T. is just an announcement, and this is the only figure not being listed for sale yet.

UPDATE - Target appears to have fixed their pre-order debacle of prior figures, as these are still available as of 5:30 PM. Hasbro is sold out of Storm Shadow, Spirit, and Croc Master, but you can get them via other online chains, such as Entertainment Earth. They have not yet hit Target.

Update - As of 7:30 PM Master of Disguise Zartan is sold out at Hasbro Pulse.

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  1. Haha! I'm surprised that version of Snake Eyes doesn't really exist. There's like 500 versions of him out there already. I like that Spirit figure alot. It's the first head sculpt since the vintage figure that looks anything line the cartoon version. There may be a few valor vs venom ones that were close, too.

    1. I'm pumped about Croc Master and Spirit. Those two are "must haves" for me.

  2. Nice to see the true Storm Shadow. I was never a big fan of Spirit but will get him since he is so iconic. Croc Master! Yes! Could care less about the rest.

    1. Agree. This figure took way too long to come out. Probably because Hasbro knew people wouldn't buy the movie version if this was already available.

      Also agree on the Python Patrol and Tiger Force figures. Not impressed.

  3. I hope I can find the python patrols (yeah right) and wish I could afford Croc Master as he's one of my all time fave cobra's, But overall great reveals!

    1. The Python Patrol figures are still available on Target's website for pre-order.
