Today, I'm looking at a few G.I. Joe based lines from the 80's and "today". First, I'm starting with:
G.I. Joe Die-Cast Metal
Aviva produced a very small run of vehicles in 1983 which were based on the original wave of vehicles from Hasbro.
There were six released in total, and each featured moving wheels and parts, such as rotating turrets. It terms of design, these metal miniatures were spot on to those of their larger plastic counterparts. Sadly, there were never released in conjunction with any miniature figures to coincide with them.
Attack Cannon (FLAK)*Heavy Artillery Laser (HAL)
Battle Tank (MOBAT)*Rapid Fire Motorcycle (RAM)
Mobile Missile System (MMS)*Attack Vehicle (VAMP)
Aviva also release a pack of three vehicles. However, these were just a multipack of the individually carded VAMP, RAM and HAL.
It's interesting that Aviva never released a second three pack to incorporate the remaining vehicles into one package.
G.I. Joe Micro Figures
In 1989, Hasbro ran an interesting promotion with their 3 3/4 inch line of G.I. Joe toys. They incorporated into each carded figure a miniature, or micro if you will, figurine made from flexible PVC.
There were twenty produced in total, and the character included a vast assortment of some of the most popular figures since the beginning of the 1982 wave, all the way through 1989.
Beach Head
Cobra Commander (Metal Helmet)
Crimson Guard
Cobra Officer
General Hawk
Gung Ho
Major Blood
Quick Kick
Rock N' Roll (his head anyway, with Repeater's body and gun)
Sgt. Slaughter
Wet Suit
Hopefully you noticed the poster to the left of each figure. This was a mail away premium, which offered throughout the entire promotion.
Speaking of mail away promos, Hasbro also produced eight micro vehicles. Much like the poster, collectors could send in their request for them with the aid of two of their Flagg Points plus $7.75 With the exception of 1986 and 1989, there was a vehicle representing each year since the first 1982 wave.
MOBAT*Persuader*APC*Warthog A.I.F.V.
Snow Cat*Cobra H.I.S.S.*A.W.E. Striker*Vamp MK II
Unfortunately, these vehicles were too small to incorporate the figures into.
However, with all of this said, it leads me into what actually inspired and spawned today's post.
G.I. Joe World's Smallest Action Figure
Super Impulse
2019 / 2020
I don't normally collect modern toys, but when I saw these being talked about on the Youtube channel of
Super Impulse has made an entire line of various toy lines, and some of those include The Transformers, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Barbie, as well as several other novelty and nostalgic based toys. I highly recommend you check them out. If for nothing else, for how cool they are.
Anyway, back to the point at hand.
Super Impulse released three Worlds Smallest G.I. Joe figures.
Squint your eyes if you have to. These are 1 1/4 inch tall action
figures which come in their own blister packs, all neatly packed inside
of a plastic bubble. Now, the cards for the figures aren't actually
cardboard. Instead, they're acrylic. To get the figures, and their
removable accessories, out, simply open the hatch on the back and remove
the contents within.
What's equally neat about these is that the miniature "cardbacks" can
stand straight up on their own, making them just as fun to display in
their packages. However, if you want to remove them, each figure not
only has a foot peg hole, but also comes with its own clear action
figure stand.
While I don't know if you'll find these "everywhere", I do know you can find them, and some of the other Worlds Smallest toys, at Cracker Barrel (of all places). Yes, the restaurant. Or, better stated, their gift shop. They'll set you back around nine or ten dollars each, which is a bit high for something so small.
I found the three I picked up on ebay and bought them as a set for around $27.00 with free shipping.
The guy selling them had nine more sets as of yesterday evening.
These things are really cool and I hope there is a plan to make more of them.
This leads me to one last item for today.

Cobra H.I.S.S. Tank with Lights and Sounds
Running Press
For those of you who own the 2014 Cobra H.I.S.S. Tank with Lights and Sounds, you may be happy to hear that the above noted figures from Super Impulse are compatible with it. However, this is probably not intentionally done. Still, it's a pleasant surprise.
Unfortunately, this vehicle isn't as readily available as it was back in 2014, but you can still find them around here and there - If you look hard enough.
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