Funko / Reaction Figures

We touched on the overall story of Scarface in our original post based on
NECA's collection of Tony Montana figures. As such, we won't go into the movie.
The whole Funko Reaction line seems to have slowed down a bit here. As of 2016 there's not a whole lot of buzz surrounding the figures. In fact, most retail stores have already put their back stock on clearance in an attempt to get rid of them. Suffice to say, there doesn't seem to be that big of a demand for them. What a shame.
One of the final figures to hit shelves in 2015 was Tony Montana from Scarface. The figure features the character in his familiar suit from the infamous scene where Montana shouts, "Say hello to my little friend!" as he opens fire on the invading cops.
Much like retail stores, secondary market dealers seem to be taking a hit on these figures. They can be purchased for as little as $5.00 mint on card.
Taxi Driver
Funko / Reaction Figures
"You talking to me?" It's one of the most famous quoted lines in cinema history - Right next to the likes of Han Solo's, "I know," and Ratso Rizzo's, "I'm walking here, I'm walking here!" The best thing about all these quotes - They were all impromptu lines the actors spurted out as the cameras were rolling.
Taxi Driver is cited by critics as one of the greatest films of all time. It portrays the character Travis Bickle, an honorably discharged marine dealing with insomnia. To help with this, he takes a job as a late night cab driver, and from there spirals down a road of rage and vigilante tendencies.
As of 2005 a sequel was hinted at by Scorsese and De Niro. However, the only known script to exist for the film was turned down by both the director and actor as not being good enough to continue the character's story. Ouch - What an insult to the writer. Since then , the duo have announced interest in a remake of the film, but much like the sequel, these plans have not gone any further.
The Funko Reaction figure of Travis Bickle was also one of the last to hit shelves in 2015. It too isn't faring too well on secondary markets, and can be nabbed for as little as $2.00 mint on card.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Funko / Reaction Figures
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre films have gone through several iterations at this point in time - Which is why it's interesting that Funko selected the very first film to base its Leatherhead figure on. Personally, we appreciate that. It's a respectable nod at the film that started it all, even if the actors didn't go on to do much more after that.
Leatherface is as iconic a horror figure as Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and Jason Voorhees. In fact, out of all of them, Leatherface has been doing it the longest having started in 1974. Michael Myers followed in 1978, while Freddy and Jason didn't begin their terrorizing until the 80's.
Out of all of the figures in this post, Leatherface also fairs the best on secondary markets ranging between $6.00 and $11.00. However, as is the case with all the prices noted here, these are simply benchmarks of current prices, and those are always subject to change. They could go up, they could go down. Only time will tell in that regard.
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