Retro Spins: Peter Gabriel - So
Beyond his handful of hits in steady rotation throughout the 80's, I knew relatively nothing about Peter Gabriel. I was aware of his origins as the front man for Genesis, but even then, never listened to any of that music either. My era of that group was the Phil Collins fronting. Basically, I guess I'm saying I went into Peter Gabriel's So with no expectations.
I have to admit I was hooked right from the start. The haunting lyrics of Red Rain sucked me in, investing me what I was hearing. In general, So had a vibe of being different from what I was accustomed to hearing from the era, and I liked it a lot.
Even as I type this, I'm only on track four, and I have yet to hear a song which I didn't like. I'm so into it that my next step is going to be to track down other albums from the artist. I had to switch gears and hop over to ebay, where I picked up his 1980 self titled album and his 1982 self titled album (AKA Security). In addition to these, I picked up his two soundtracks, 1985's, Birdy and 1989's Passion (The Last Temptation Of Christ). These, plus So, cover his entire 80's release of studio / soundtrack albums.
On a side note, while look at his discography, I actually got a laugh out of him having four back to back self tiled albums.
This brought me up to track six, which at this point, I still hadn't heard anything I didn't like. That was until track eight, We Do What We're Told (Milgram's 37). It wasn't bad, but the overall sound of the album kind of wore thin at this point. So ended on a flat note with This Is The Picture (Excellent Birds). Mind you, this was actually a track only included on the original cassette and CD versions of the album, and not the vinyl pressings.
In retrospect, I don't know that I necessarily "liked" everything on the record. I think what really intrigued me about it was how different it initially sounded. Still, it wasn't bad. I enjoyed hearing it from start to finish.
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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.
Awesome Con 2024 - Part 2: Joe Rubinstein
My running around Awesome Con 2024 continued, as I made my way from table to table, leaving my buddy Dave in line as a place holder to call me when people arrived. I was surprised at how quickly things were going. Unlike Baltimore Comic Con 2023, lines were either non-existent, or efficient, with people moving along (for the most part). I think the biggest pro to this was that the majority of people either hadn't arrived yet, or were back at the "celebrity" booths.
The second table I went to was Joe Rubinstein. He was another creator I met at a prior convention, but for funding constraints at that time, I was unable to get everything signed.
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Joe Rubinstein |
Mr. Rubinstein was one of the most common reoccurring inkers during the symbiote run of Spider-Man, regardless of the title. While I was able to get a lot of these issues signed at Galaxy Con Richmond 2023, again, funds weren't in my favor. Decisions had to be made, and fortunately, an opportunity arose to revisit his books.
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Also signed by Jim Shooter, and Rick Leonardi at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
While he signed, specifically, the last issue of AMS above, Joe noted that Charles Vess was an artist that seemed to have stopped doing shows. As such, it was quite difficult to get his signature these days. Hearing this, I actually did something out of the ordinary for me. When I got home, I tracked down signed versions of the two issues in the symbiote story he did, and purchased them. I would have preferred to get them signed in person, but hey, sometimes that just isn't an option. The downside to this was that it was after the show, so I'm going to need to get those two issues resigned by the people who already did. Guess I need to track Mr. Rubinstein and Jim Shooter down again...
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Signed by Charles Vess |
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Signed by Charles Vess |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
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Retro Spins: Michael Jackson - HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I
Can Michael Jackson do wrong? No. Thank you, good day.
Oh, right...Retro Spin.
I think if I were to sum up Michael Jackson's career, specifically as a solo artist, it would be that his pre Off The Wall albums were marginally forgettable, Off The Wall itself was okay in hindsight to what would be its follow up, Thriller was Michael at his ultimate height, Bad was the anticipated, "What will he do next / How can he top Thriller?" album and Dangerous was his last successful work. From there, his albums progressively fell further and further away from the public eye. HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I, not only serves as the singer's longest titled album, but also the one with his last Billboard hit during his lifetime. I say it that way because he did manage to have further hits with his posthumous album, Xscape.
HIStory serves as part greatest hits, part all new album, with the most noteworthy tracks being the duet Scream, which featured Janet Jackson, and Stranger In Moscow. However, I would be remiss if I didn't mention Don't Really Care About Us, which is actually one of my favorites from Jackson. Tabloid Junkie is also a decent song, though it does invoke eye rolling. The reason being is that it's yet another song from Michael whining about how people think he's weird and just won't leave him alone.
For the purposes of this review, I'll touch on the first disc of this album, the greatest hits portion. Yes, it has good tracks, because it is after all a compilation of his best. However, because it is a select collection of fifteen songs, there are some noticeable omissions. I suppose one could argue that you couldn't fit them all on an album, which I suppose could be why it was entitled, "Book I". Perhaps there was a second book which never came to fruition. Who knows.
As for the new material, which encompasses disc two - Well, I've touched on that, for the most part, in a couple paragraphs above. As a whole, it's a decent album, but it's far from his best. Nay, that ship had sailed by this point in Jackson's career. Good tracks? Absolutely. There are some. Unfortunately, the mediocre ones tend to outweigh them. Because of this, they somewhat get lost in the muddled final product.
Look, Michael Jackson, dead or alive, will always remain one of the greatest entertainers of all time. Despite opinions of the quality of his music as his career continued, there's no denying the man could outsell any arena in the world. His good songs weren't just good, they were amazing, and his dancing was rivaled by no other before or since. It's because of this, Michael Jackson will always have a spot in my personal music collection, no matter what the album is. I have them all.
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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.
Retro Spins: Janet Jackson - Control
I assure you all of these Jackson related titles I've been reviewing here lately have been purely coincidental.
I actually listed to Janet's Control several weeks ago, then somehow forgot to right up anything about it. As such, this is going to be one of those "from memory" posts. Hopefully I touch on everything I remember from it.
Control was the first album I heard from the singer, and while I'm aware she had two prior albums, which I have, I've not gotten around to listening to them yet. Based on my limited knowledge of her, my understanding is that this particular album was her break out. Rightly so, it's great.
Of the nine tracks on the album, six charted on the Billboard top one hundred. While all of them went into the top five, only one, When I Think Of You, made it to the number one spot. Still, that's a heck of an achievement.
My playthrough of the album was very enjoyable. I wasn't honestly expecting to like it as much as I did, and even had to take a step back to appreciate the many songs from it I had forgotten over the years. Well, let me rephrase that. It wasn't that I forgot the songs, it was that I forgot they were on this album.
This post is really summed up at this point. I could continue to prattle on about Control, but really, it's one of those iconic albums from the 80's and Janet's career. There's not much more to say about it.
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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.
Awesome Con 2024 - Part 1: Art Adams, Klaus Janson, Jeph Loeb, And Art Suydam
Despite it coming to Washington DC year after year, I never seemed to want to go to Awesome Con. Scratch that. I wanted to go. The location was unappealing. I'm a suburbs guy. I hate the city. I'm not in to jam packed grid living, people and cars everywhere, and nothing being convenient. Don't even get me started on the scam and inconvenience that is paid parking.
However, this year, the guest list was far too appealing to pass up. There were things I wanted to get signed, some I missed at Baltimore Comic Con and Big Lick NOVA that needed to be rectified, and others which were simply too much of an opportunity to pass up.
I opted for buying only a Saturday pass at first, one for me, and one for my buddy / line place holder / driver, Dave Braun. However, as the convention drew closer, I added on the Comic Collector Pack, which provided a slew of additional amenities, the most important to me being the thirty minute early access to the exhibit hall, as well as access through the premium entrance to the building. The early access really only serves one purpose, and that is to allow attendees to get in line as quickly as possible for the "celebrities" they were there for.
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Art Adams holding my signed convention book |
I regaled him with the tale of Baltimore, and how I stood in his line for two hours at an empty table hoping he would come back to sign my stuff, but never did. He actually apologized, and said he wasn't feeling well that day, and had to go back to his room. When we were done, he even laughed, and said, "I feel like you and I had a moment together. Thank you."
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Also signed by Jim Shooter, and Rick Leonardi at Big Lick Nova 2023 |
In my ongoing pursuit to get my entire symbiote story arc signed, I needed to get Marvel Team-Up 141 signed. This is the first appearance of the black costume in the Marvel Team-Up title. I got more signed by Mr. Adams, but a bit more on that below.
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Klaus Janson after signing my AMS 252 |
When I first went to Baltimore Comic Con, I had a ton of stuff for Mr. Janson to sign. Unfortunately, one of the things that flew completely off of my radar was that he did the cover for The Amazing Spider-Man issue 252. This iconic story featured the first appearance of the black suit in that title. After learning that in hindsight, I never really got over the missed opportunity. As I said above, seeing him (and Art Adams) coming to this convention, pretty much solidified my desire to go.
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Also signed by Jim Shooter at Big Lick Nova 2023 |
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Also signed by Brett Breeding, and John Romita Jr. at Galaxy Con Richmond, as well as by Jim Shooter, and Rick Leonardi at Big Lick Nova 2023 |
Klaus Janson: $10.00 per signature
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Also signed by Jim Shooter, and Rick Leonardi at Big Lick Nova 2023, and Al Milgrom at Baltimore Comic Con 2023 |
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Art Adams |
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Klaus Janson |
There are still a few signatures I'd like to get on this cardback, and hopefully that opportunity will come soon.
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Jeph Loeb doodling on my Spider-Man: Blue issue 1 |
When he first started signing, Mr. Loeb asked if Tim Sales had signed, because he liked to sign under his name. I said, "No, never met him, but if you want to go get him, I'll wait here." Tim was not at the show, so Jeph just laughed at the notion.
In hindsight, I really regret dropping the ten dollars (extra) for a doodle by Mr. Loeb. Overall, I just felt like there was no value in it.
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Art Suydam signing my Amazing Heroes 51 |
When I initially got my Echos of Future Past signed at Big Lick NOVA 2023, I completely missed getting my preview issue of Amazing Heroes 51 signed. This was despite me having it with me, and getting it signed by Michael Golden that same day.
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Also signed by Michael Golden at Big Lick NOVA 2023 |
Mr. Suydam also gives a signed print with each book, so I grabbed one of Ash from Army of Darkness for my buddy, Dave. I also showed Art my convention book, saying, "I'm sure you don't remember, but you were the first person to sign this for me." He took a moment to look at all the signatures, smiling at it, but he never really said if he remembered or not. I doubt it.
Retro Spins: Leo Sayer - Cool Touch
Much like Jermaine Jackson, Leo Sayer's career seems to have the same problem. It's showing up to the party too late. By this, I mean his music seems to be a decade behind. While most artists of the 80's were adopting synthpop sounds, Sayer (and Jackson), seemed to be stuck in the 70's dance craze of disco and ballads. It's because of this that it's no surprise Sayer's 1990 released Cool Touch seems to have finally caught up to this style of music. It certainly makes it stand out as my kind of music. However, I can also see why it failed to really impact in the era of grunge. It probably didn't help that the album was only released in the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany.
Despite its release date, the sound of the album appeals very much to my 80's nostalgic sense of being. As far as I'm concerned, it fits right in there with anything released between 1986 and 1987. However, with that said, it doesn't get a free pass for that.
As I listened to it, I didn't hate what I was hearing. Unfortunately, I also wasn't being blown away. Of the ten tracks, only two stood out for me. What made this all the more worse was how superior they were to the rest of the album. Going Home and My Favourite easily could have been chart toppers in the 80's, but very overshadowed and ignored in the 90's.
The album intrigued me enough to want to see what else Sayer did past his prime years in the industry. However, this led to a disappointing dead end. While he did release a few more albums, the releases were limited to foreign countries, and not only that, but he appears to have reverted back to his 70's era music style. I suppose I'll be passing on those.
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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.
Retro Spins: La Toya Jackson - Heart Don't Lie
Lat Toya's music career is the perfect example of nepotism in Hollywood. I'm not saying she couldn't have succeeded in the industry on her own merits. However, it's obvious that her name and connections to her family got her foot in the door with little to no effort. Regardless, once you're in the spotlight, you still have to stand on your own merit. She was the first of the three Jackson daughters to strike out for a music career, and though she ultimately wasn't the most successful of the trio, she managed to release several albums between 1980 and 2011.
Heart Don't Lie wasn't the singer's first album. Rather, it was her third and follow up to 1981's, My Special Love. The title track would lead the charge, staying in heavy rotation on MTV that year, and ultimately become her most memorable track.

I can't tell if this was a middle finger or not to her family, but La Toya lays down a cover of Prince's Private Joy, and quite honestly, it's not bad. It may be more enjoyable than Prince's version, which is no small feat.
After hearing this album, I'd be lying if I said La Toya's album wasn't pretty good. There are a handful of tracks which stand out as better than the others, but overall, it's not bad. She definitely earns her own stripes, and while it wouldn't last long for her, I could see myself looking into other albums from her to see how they stand up in comparison.
I honestly don't have anything negative to say about Heart Don't Lie and recommend you check it out if you're in to 80's R&B or have a general interest in any other music from the Jackson family. It's a solid contender.
I fully expected to be ragging on this album left and right in this post. Call me solidly surprised and happy that this wasn't the case. Kudos La Toya. Your name may have gotten you a recording deal, but your music and talent stand on their own.
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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.
G.I. Jigsaw's Spider-Man Peg People Wave 3!
During the early evening on April 10, 2024, I got an unexpected text from George of G.I. Jigsaw, saying since he couldn't make it to comic con with me that he had an all new batch of peg people. Having just gotten home myself, I eagerly told him that I was there. A short while later, and he was at my doorstep, handing me a plastic container.
As I moved the first piece of paper towel, I immediately Spot, which I grabbed with an audible, "Awesome, The Spot!"
However, this was just the tip of the iceberg. George had been busy. Tucked within were a whopping ten characters in total. As I pulled each one out, they were immediately recognizable, and I made sure to compliment George on a job well done for how each one was easily identifiable.
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The Spot |
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Flash Thompson |
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Shocker |
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Rhino |
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Scorpion |
I may have surprised George with the below figure. He asked me if I recognized it, to which I said, "Sure do! That's Molten Man!" While one could say it meant that I know too much about Spider-Man, I see it more so as a testament to George's skills to make each character, even the most obscure, recognizable.
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Molten Man |
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Chameleon |
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Gwen Stacy |
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Black Cat |
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Kingpin |
Of course, once out of the box, we both raced up the steps to set them up with waves one and two. Then, being Bloggers, we both naturally started snapping more photos.
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Spider-Man, Electro, Doc Ock, The Spot, Kraven Black Cat, Mysterio, Vulture, (part of) Sandman |
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(part of) Black Cat, Mysterio, Vulture, Sandman Shocker, Kingpin, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, J. Jonah Jameson, Aunt May, Flash Thompson, Scorpion |
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J, Jonah Jameson, Aunt May, Flash Thompson, Scorpion, Rhino, Lizard, Green Goblin, Chameleon Molten Man, Carnage |
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(part of) Scorpion, Rhino, Lizard, Green Goblin, Chameleon, Molten Man, Carnage, Venom, Symbiote Spider-Man |
These little wooden things are so freaking awesome! This is the Spider-Man toy line I always wanted! Well fleshed out, with a promise of more on the horizon! I'm so pumped to have more on my shelf, and looking forward to what George makes next.
Here's a nice long shot, and then one zoomed in.
In total, there are twenty-five of them between the three waves he's done. That's impressive, considering after he completed wave one, I sent him a list of seventy-five more possible characters, which he's accepted the challenge on.
This is my favorite modern toy line!
Thanks, George!
For those of you wondering just how insane I was with the list I sent George, here, let me break it down for you, keeping in mind that he came up with wave one. While my initial list ended at wave 16, because I'm OCD, well...there's more I thought of while typing this out.
Wave 1
Symbiote Spider-Man
Green Goblin
Kraven the Hunter
Doctor Octopus
Wave 2
Aunt May
Mary Jane Watson
J. Jonah Jameson
Venom (which he said was part of wave 1, but didn't fit in the initial box)
Wave 3
Gwen Stacy
Black Cat
Carnage (which he gave me with wave 2)
Wave 4
Flash Thompson (which he gave me with wave 3)
Scorpion (which he gave me with wave 3)
Molten Man (which he gave me with wave 3)
Rhino (which he gave me with wave 3)
Kingpin (which he gave me with wave 3)
Wave 5
Harry Osborn
Uncle Ben
Peter Parker
Wave 6
Scarlet Spider
Wave 7
Meteor Man
Will-O' the Wisp
Wave 8
The Spot (which he gave me with wave 3)
Hydro Man
Madame Web
Wave 9
Silver Sable
The Burgler
Jack O'Lantern
Wave 10
The Punisher
Frog Man
White Rabbit
Wave 11
Ned Leeds
Betty Brant
The Rose
Spider-Man 2099
Wave 12
The Fox
Robbie Robertson
Jean DeWolfe
Captain Stacy
Waver 13
Rocket Racer
Speed Demon
Wave 14
Big Man
Crime Master
Fancy Dan
The Ox
Wave 15
Norman Osborn
Spider Armor
Eddie Brock
Wave 16
Glory Grant
Mrs. Muggins
Wave 17
Wave 18
Living Brain
Professor Mendel Stromm
Randy Robertson
Wave 19
Man Mountain Marko
Big Wheel
Anna Watson
Wave 20
Black Abbott
Incandescent Man
Wave 21
Miles Morales
Spider Punk
Spider-Man Noir
Zombie Spider-Man
Wave 22
Human Torch
Ice Man
Wave 23
Iron Man
Doctor Strange
Incredible Hulk (Green)
Wave 24
Captain America
Reed Richards
Sue Storm
Black Widow
Boy...Waves twenty-two and on sure do open up a can of worms for supporting characters. Let's see how far George will go before he thinks I'm crazy, asking too much, gets bored, or all of the above. But, wouldn't those all be awesome?!?!?
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