Since his debut in 1962, Peter Parker, AKA Spider-Man, lived a fictional roller coaster life full of relatable real life struggles, experiencing love, loss, and amassing one of comics most iconic galleries of villains in the process. However, through all the personal changes the character would go through over the years to come, one constant was always there. His classic red and blue costume.
When rumors began to surface that Marvel Comics would be changing the character's iconic threads in 1984, feelings among readers were mixed, and many weren't shy about expressing this to the publisher through written letters, phone calls, and even in person during public appearances. To some, the mere thought of revising Spider-Man's look was nothing short of blasphemy.
Regardless, it was full steam ahead, and in the fall of 1983, fans started getting their first (of what would soon be many) preview looks at the new costume in the pages of the magazine, Comics Journal issue 85. These preliminary drawings were penciled and inked by artist Rick Leonardi (future co-creator of Spider-Man 2099), and showcased the suit from the front, back, side, and in an action pose. However, these images wouldn't all necessarily be featured at the same time. Such is the case with Comics Journal, which only contained the side view.
The Comics Journal #85 |
The second appearance was featured in Amazing Heroes issue 35 in November 1983. This time, fans were given a look at the costume from behind.
Amazing Heroes #35 |
The third appearance, as seen in Heroes Hotline issue 4, appears to be the most difficult of all the preview magazines to obtain. It is by far the rarest, and as such, can command a premium price. In my time of being aware of the magazine, I have only come across two, one of which I bought. Heroes was the first glimpse of the costume from the front, and also featured the view from behind.
Heroes Hotline #4 |
The fourth preview appearance can be found in The Comic Reader issue 215. Unlike the magazines prior to this one, The Comic Reader showcases all four of Leonardi's drawings together for the first time.
The Comic Reader #215 |
In a later issue of Amazing Heroes, issue 39 to be exact, the action pose preview as originally seen in The Comic Reader was published. This was the fifth overall preview appearance.
Amazing Heroes #39 |
In March 1984, Marvel Comics released its own preview (the sixth appearance to date) in the monthly Marvel Age issue 12. Unlike all prior publishing's, this showcased the color red incorporated into the costume. Depending on who you ask at Marvel, you could potentially get two different stories. Some will say that the red color was the original design, and was nixed because the red would bleed too much during the printing process. On the other hand, others will tell you that the suit was always intended to be black and white. The issue also goes into depth on the upcoming event series, Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars.
Marvel Age #12 |
With the proverbial cat out of the bag, and the fan mail, for better or worse beginning to role in, the events which would lead to Spider-Man's costume change began. This was subtle at first, starting in The Amazing Spider-Man issue 249 where mid conversation with Mary Jane Watson, Peter Parker feels a massive surge of his spider sense, which quickly dissipates.
The Amazing Spider-Man 249 |
This same type of surge occurs in The Amazing Spider-Man issue 250, but once again it dissipates fast, leaving Spider-Man confused.
The Amazing Spider-Man 250 |
The mystery begins to be solved when at the end of The Amazing Spider-Man issue 251 the surges begin again, but this time lead Spider-Man to a mysterious white structure in Central Park. As Spider-Man swings inside, he disappears in a flash of light.
The Amazing Spider-Man 251 |
To tie all the Spider books together, this same occurrence repeated in Marvel Team-Up issue 140.
Marvel Team-Up 140 |
And then again in Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man issue 89. What I appreciate from these repeat occurrences is that each artist got the opportunity to draw their own rendition. It wasn't simply a cut and paste of the same artwork each time.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 89 |
Before things would continue in the pages of Marvel Comics, Amazing Heroes would publish the seventh and final preview of the upcoming black suit in issue 45. This is the exact same image they showcased in issue 35.
The book is often overshadowed by its more notable key comic collector element, that being the first advertisement of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issue number 1. As such, this particular preview magazine often flies under the radar of Spider-Man collectors.
Amazing Heroes 45 |
Timeline wise, Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars would be released over twelve months starting in May of 1984, and running through April of 1985. Chronologically, the entire series takes place prior to The Amazing Spider-Man issue 252, which was also released in May 1984.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 1, 2, and 3 |
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 4, 5, and 6 |
In the pages of issue eight, Spider-Man classic red and blue costume would be damaged beyond repair, necessitating him getting a new one. Fortunately, the Hulk has found a device that creates clothing, which he and Thor have just finished using.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 7, 8, and 9 |
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 10, 11, and 12 |
Spider-Man steps up to the mysterious machine, and before him a black ball forms. As Spider-Man picks it up, the costume forms across his left hand, then engulfs his entire body.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 8 |
It's not until issue number 9 that Spider-Man begins to see the uniqueness of his suit, most notably that it shoots webs on its own, and can shift over his body in various ways, such as shorts.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 9 |
Though Spider-Man would appear in a page or two here and there throughout the remainder of the story, he was often relegated to the background either stating one liners, or simply being seen swinging or standing. However, one final key aspect would occur towards the end of issue 12. He would see his fellow heroes getting new costumes, but not from the same machine that he did.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 12 |
Fast forward to 1998, What If... (Volume 2) issue 114 would revisit the Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, advancing time forward twenty-five years, and from a perspective where the heroes never made it back home. The story is mostly reserved for their children born after the original events, and much like the classic series, Spider-Man is relegated to a few select panels. In the story, the symbiote has taken over Spider-Man fully, and allegedly resorted to eating other people.
What If... (Volume 2) 114 |
Before readers would find out how Spider-Man got his black suit, he would return to New York in issue 252 of The Amazing Spider-Man wearing his new threads. In fact, before Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars would end, Spider-Man was already battling for his life against the symbiote suit in the pages of Web of Spider-Man.
The Amazing Spider-Man 252 |
Many people already know the story of how the costume came to be, even before reading the above sections. The concept was purchased by editor, Jim Shooter, who received a letter from fan Randy Schueller who pitched the initial concept. Shooter purchased the idea for a few hundred dollars, offering Schueller the opportunity to work with Marvel Comics on the story. However, after several re-writes, Randy's story was scrapped.
The original story would be revisited in 2019 when the idea was reworked, and published in The Sensational Spider-Man: Self Improvement. While Schueller would be acknowledged, he was not directly involved.
The Amazing Spider-Man 252 |
Spider-Man's return to New York would also be featured in Marvel Team-Up issue 141.
Marvel Team-Up 141 |
And again in Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man issue 90.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 90 |
From there, each series would branch off in its own direction, remaining woven together in the overall story arc. The Amazing Spider-Man focused on the main adventures of Spider-Man, while the Peter Parker series seemed more so focused on his love life. Meanwhile, Marvel Team-Up would continue to serve as Spider-Man and another hero working in tandem to foil the villain of the week.
The Amazing Spider-Man 253 would feature the first appearance of The Rose, AKA Richard Fisk (who first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man 83), and is also personally noteworthy for me because of Rick Leonardi taking up the pencils. He would also provide the art for issue 254.
The Answer (AKA Aaron Nicholson), makes a cameo appearance in the shadows of the pages of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 91.
The Amazing Spider-Man 253 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 91 The Amazing Spider-Man 254 |
The Answers first full appearance occurs in the following issue, 92.
The group, P.R.I.D.E., AKA Population Reduction by Inter-Dimensional Expulsion make their first appearance in Marvel Team-Up 142. Meanwhile, issue 143 features the first appearance of the Elysian (Sondia and Tambi), as well as the first appearance and death of Will-Killer.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 92 Marvel Team-Up 142, and 143 |
Black Fox appears for the first time in The Amazing Spider-Man 255, and quickly became one of my least favorite antagonists in all of Spider-Man's history.
There's nothing really special going on in the pages of Marvel Team-Up Annual 7. other than a pretty boring story.
In issue 94 of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Peter's landlord, Mrs. Muggins sees, "Something black," move in the background of his apartment when she comes to collect his late rent. While she mistakes it for Black Cat, she's nowhere to be found when Peter goes to look. Just his black suit hanging over the shower.
The Amazing Spider-Man 255 Marvel Team-Up Annual 7 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 93 |
Though there was nothing really noteworthy in Marvel Team-Up 144, or Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 95, 94 of Peter Parker featured the first appearance of Johnny Ohn, AKA The Spot.
.jpg) |
Marvel Team-Up 144 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 94, and 95 |
Marvel Team-Up 146 features an very satisfying deep dive into the villain Whiplash, with an ending that anyone with a heart will genuinely feel bad for the guy. It's probably one of the best Marvel Team-Up issues.
Meanwhile, The Amazing Spider-Man 256 we get the first appearance of Puma, and as the battle concludes in issue 257, we are also dropped a bombshell when Mary Jane Watson tells Peter she knows he's Spider-Man, and has for years.
Marvel Team-Up 145 The Amazing Spider-Man 256, and 257 |
There are a slew of first appearances in Marvel Team-Up 146, but none are all that relevant. On the other hand, we get a fascinating back story of Ben and May Parker in the pages of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual 4. Before May settled down with her husband, she was apparently into bad boys.
Marvel Team-Up 146 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual 4 |
During his symbiote suit adventures, Spider-Man would also cross over to the pages of The Incredible Hulk 300, and The Transformers mini-series issue 3.
The Incredible Hulk 300 |
These two are often missed in the chronological reading order of this era.
The Transformers 3 |
In issue 258 of The Amazing Spider-Man, Reed Richards would discover that the costume was a living symbiote, and recommends he remove it immediately. After a few trial and errors, Richards is finally able to remove the alien with his sonic blaster, and encase it in a glass tube prison.
A bonus fun fact about this issue is that it's the first time Peter Parker is given a Fantastic Four outfit and paper bag with eye holes in it, becoming The Amazing Bag-Man (AKA The Bombastic Bagman)!
The Amazing Spider-Man 258 |
Nine years prior to the aforementioned What If... (Volume 2) issue four would pose the question, "What If...The Alien Costume Had Possessed Spider-Man?" In the story, Peter Parker dies, and Black Cat sells her services to Kingpin for his help destroying the symbiote.
What If... (Volume 2) 4 |
Sprinkled in between the above noted issues were several appearances of the symbiote suit Spider-Man within the pages of Marvel Age. I've added relevant notes to the photos underneath each respective cover.
Marvel Age 13, 14, and 15 |
Marvel Age 17, 18, and 19 |
Marvel Age 20 |
Mary Jane Watsons past is revealed, while Peter Parker must either come to terms with the fact that she knows his secret identity or deny it in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man 259. Spider-Man also returns to his classic red and blue costume. Across the city, and angry symbiote remains trapped in its prison.
The Amazing Spider-Man 259 |
In the pages of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 96, our hero reminisces about Reed Richards discovering his suit was a symbiote, and removing it.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 96 |
These memories continue into issue 97, and we also get the first appearance of Hermit (Timothy Quail).
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 97 |
Spider-Man once again reminisces about Reed Richards removing his symbiote costume, as well as his short time wearing his Bag-Man costume.
Marvel Team-Up 147 |
A preview of the upcoming new ongoing Spider-Man series, Web of Spider-Man gets advertised in Marvel Age 24. The book also features an image of the symbiote covering Peter Parker again, an image from the seminal issue.
Marvel Age 24 |
An angry symbiote only grows more furious as he remains a captive of the Fantastic Four.
Marvel Team-Up 148 |
Spider-Man thinks of people and events from his past, which includes the symbiote.
The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 18 |
An strange and unexplained psychic connection occurs between young Franklin Richards and the symbiote in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man 260.
The Amazing Spider-Man 260 |
A mysterious drone would appear in the final pages of Fantastic Four 274, and free the symbiote from its imprisonment in the Baxter Building.
Fantastic Four 274 |
Finally free from his prison, the symbiote escapes the Baxter Building.
The Amazing Spider-Man 261 |
It wouldn't be until 2010, in the pages of the four-issue mini-series,
Spider-Man And The Fantastic Four that it was revealed to be Kristoff Vernard, the
adopted son of Victor Von Doom and heir to the Latverian throne, who orchestrated the break out. Issue number two focused on the events, though Vernard wasn't revealed until the final issue.
In addition to the first official appearance of The Spot, we also get a further glimpse of the symbiote as he makes his way through the city on a quest to return to Peter Parker in Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 98.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 98 |
Issue 100 has had some incredible traction as of late with The Spot's predominant inclusion in the animated film, Across The Spider-Verse. However, prior to that, it was just another simple story with continued glimpses of the symbiote making its way back to Peter Parker. This time, however, it would assimilate another human to assist.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 99 |
The seminal 100th issue of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man sees the symbiote finally arriving back at Peter's apartment, and hiding in our heroes closet.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 100 |
With the conclusion of Marvel Team-Up in issue 150, the all new Web of Spider-Man launched. With it cam the conclusion to the cliffhanger ending of Peter Parker issue 100, and the final battle between our hero and the alien costume.
Web Of Spider-Man 1 |
Web Of Spider-Man 1 |
Thought to be over, readers were confused when a mysterious figure pushed Peter towards an oncoming train several issues later in Web of Spider-Man 18. Why didn't his spider sense warn him of danger? Who was this person?
Web Of Spider-Man 18 |
The Amazing Spider-Man 282 featured the awesome wrap around 25th anniversary Marvel Comics border, and showcased a symbiote suit clad Spider-Man dead center. However, this was not the costume he wore in the pages of the book.
The Amazing Spider-Man 282 |
The mysterious figure reappears in the pages of Web of Spider-Man 24. This time, Peter is grabbed while scaling a building, and thrown from its surface. Once again, his spider sense fails to warn him. Readers wouldn't find out this person's identity until much later.
Web Of Spider-Man 24 |
Originally, the mysterious person was intended by writer David Michelinie to be female, and as a result drawn that way. However, when it came time to work on the story with artist Todd McFarlane in 1988, Editor Jim Salicrup would push back on the original concept. He not only felt McFarlane wouldn't go for the idea, but nor would readers if they saw Spider-Man beating on a woman. The three would rework the character into Eddie Brock / Venom. In 1992, these original events would be revisited and retconned in The Amazing
Spider-Man Annual 26, The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual 12, and Web of
Spider-Man Annual 8 to be Eddie Brock instead of a woman.
The December pages of Amazing Heroes 131 would show readers their first glimpse of venom as he would soon appear in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man.
Amazing Heroes 131 |
A cameo of hands in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man 299, which transform into black gloves. An exciting cliffhanger to tantalize any reader.
The Amazing Spider-Man 299 |
The second preview of Venom would occur in Comic Scene number two, where readers would see a transforming face.
Comic Scene 2 |
When Todd McFarlane originally illustrated issues 298 and 299 of The Amazing Spider-Man, he felt the latter was the first appearance, while the predecessor was the cameo. These days, collectors consider them both cameos.
The Amazing Spider-Man 299 |
Venom appears in all his full glory in this all out battle between him and Spider-Man. From its iconic cover, which is considered one of McFarlane's greatest, to the brutal story within, The Amazing Spider-Man 300 is a masterpiece. It remains one of the most expensive books in the series (beyond the original first twenty issues).
The Amazing Spider-Man 300 |
Venom was unleashed, and quickly became a fan favorite. However, he would also disappear for several issues before making a return appearance in issue 315 of The Amazing Spider-Man.
The Amazing Spider-Man 315, 416, and 317 |
From there he would get his first full cover appearance in issue 316, and continue to evolve in gruesomeness when Erik Larsen took over the series (starting with issue 327). Under Larsen's control, the character would get a protruding jaw with jagged dripping teeth, and long saliva coated tongue, making him a truly horrifying monster on the covers of The Amazing Spider-Man 346 and 347.
The Amazing Spider-Man 346, and 347 |
Venom would continue to evolve in the world of Spider-Man, culminating in the coming of the spawn, Carnage. That's a story worth telling, but at a later time.
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