Baltimore Comic Con 2023: Part IX - Convention Book, And Heroes For Hope

My final post for Baltimore Comic Con is to showcase my convention book. For those of you who recall, this started at Big Lick NOVA 2023, and was intended to become the book I would take with me to get signed not only by the people I got other books signed by, but a catch all for everyone else. There are certainly a lot of people I didn't get a chance to get to in Baltimore, but as compared to the prior show, this book got hammered with autographs. So many that people had to start signing on the back.

Al Milgrom

Alex Saviuk

Bob Hall

Bob McLeod
Bob Wiacek

When I handed this book to Al Milgrom, he said something to the tune of, "Oh, this thing is full. Where should I sign?" To which I said, "Spider-Man's left arm is untouched." He responded with, "That seems kind of disrespectful to Spider-Man to sign there..."

...Apparently Brian Michael Bendis didn't feel that way as he smiled with glee when I suggested that Spider-Man's crotch was still available.

Brian Michael Bendis

Chris Claremont

Howard Chaykin

Howard Mackie

Jae Lee

Jim Starlin

Jon Bogdanove

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

Judy Bogdanove

Keith Williams

Klaus Janson

Louise Simonson

Pop Mhan

Terry Kavanagh

Walter Simonson

Click "HERE" to see the signatures from Big Lick NOVA 2023!

In addition to my convention book, I picked up the X-Men Heroes for Hope book, an early Marvel collaborations where all proceeds were donated to Famine relief and recovery in Africa. Think, "We Are The World", but for comics.

This is honestly a book that I bought strictly to get signed, not because of actual interest in the book itself. While I got a lot of signatures, I don't know if I'm going to continue on with it. In conjunction with my convention book, it's just too much. Plus, it kind of serves the same purpose, except being limited to just those who worked on it. Redundant, I suppose, is the word.

Since it's just more of the same signatures as above, I won't zoom in on each one.

Signatures from:
Al Milgrom, Bob McLeod, Chris Claremont,
Howard Chaykin, Jim Starlin, Klaus Janson
Louise Simonson, and Walter Simonson

Jim Starlin asked if he could sign the back, as the back cover was his only contribution to the book. I didn't mind.

And with all of that, my trip to Baltimore Comic Con 2023 is wrapped up.

The lesson learned from this show is that future conventions will be heavily edited in terms of the volume of books I take with me. I'm not going to just take a comic with me because someone will be there who worked on it. Rather, it's going to be very specific storylines, and if it's outside of that realm, then my convention book will suffice. Granted, people are going to have to start signing inside on the pages at some point.

My hope in approaching things this way will be to not only keep prices down, but allow me to actually enjoy the conventions I'm going to. I can say without a doubt that while I got a lot of signatures at the convention, I didn't actually get to enjoy the show.

With that said, I also walked out of the show with a ton of great signed books, and under budget by $430.00. So, I'll still label it a success.

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  1. Pretty awesome, man! That x men with Wolverine on the cover is sick!
