Big Lick NOVA 2024 - Convention Book And More


As my convention book fills up from show to show, I find myself being more selective of who I ask to sign it. I'm looking for the people who mean something to me, and not necessarily just anyone sitting around the show. Two reasons for this. The first, I already stated. Space is getting limited. The second reason is that I just don't feel like paying people for an autograph if I really don't know who they are.

Big Lick 2024 yielded only four new signatures.

Signed by Guy Dorian Sr.
at Big Lick NOVA 2024.

Signed by Art Adams, Jeph Loeb,
Jim Salicrup, and Joe Rubinstein
at Awesome Con 2024.

Signed by Art Suydam, Jim Shooter,
Mark Waid, Michael Golden, Renee Witterstaetter,
Rick Leonardi, and Ron Marz at Big Lick NOVA 2023.

Signed by Al Milgrom, Alex Saviuk, Bob Hall,
Bob McLeod, Bob Wiacek, Brian Michael Bendis,
Chris Claremont, Howard Chaykin, Jim Starlin,
Jon Bogdanove, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Judy Bogdanove,
Kieth Williams, Klaus Janson, and Walter Simonson
at Baltimore Comic Con 2023.

Guy Dorian Sr. (Gold)

I only opted for Guy Dorian Jr. and Sr. because they were taking donations as part of the Hero Initiative. A buck a piece was sufficient, considering by the end of the day I'd already donated close to $100.00 between the other comic creators.

Signed by Christopher Priest,
Guy Dorian Jr., and John Beatty
at Big Lick NOVA 2024.

Signed by Mark Bagley
at Awesome Con 2024.

Signed by Howard Mackie, Jae Lee,
Pop Mhan, and Terry Kavanagh
at Baltimore Comic Con 2023.

Christopher Priest

Guy Dorian Jr.

John Beatty

I also added a few more signatures to my symbiote suit Spider-Man figure from the defunct Marvel Legends Retro collection. Today, I added Christopher Priest, AKA James Owsley, John Beatty, and Louise Simonson.

Also signed by Jim Shooter, and
Rick Leonardi at Big Lick Nova 2023,
Al Milgrom at Baltimore Comic Con 2023,
and both Art Adams, and Klaus Janson
at Awesome Con 2024

Louise Simonson

When signing, Mr. Priest made an interesting comment about how he was going to sign above Al Milgrom, and that (sarcastically in tone) he would "love" that. I guess there's some bad blood there.

Christopher Priest

John Beatty

Unlike prior shows, I actually took the time during Big Lick NOVA 2024 to do some serious shopping for books.

First up, I grabbed my bajillionth copy of Todd McFarlane's Spider-Man issue 1. The seller I found this at had it on his wall, but priced at just ten dollar. Of course I'm going to take it for that price.

Next up, I grabbed Conan The Barbarian issue 241. I'm not a reader of this title. This was on my list for one specific reason - It's a Todd McFarlane cover. I picked this one up from Joe, the dealer who I met years ago, and who helped me put together my collection of 80's G.I. Joe figures. He actually thanked me a year or two ago, saying that it was my purchases from him that helped him build his business, and ultimately open the roving convention comic store he takes from show to show.

There was another book on my list, What If (Volume 2), issue 105. While I did find one at the show, it was graded, and I think the seller may have fallen out of a tree and seriously hurt their head. They had it priced four times more than its value. So, unfortunately, I didn't get to come home with that particular book.

What I did, however, come home with, was a book I had been wanting to pick up for a while. In fact, this is what I went looking for at Awesome Con earlier in the year, but couldn't find one.

Edge Of Spider-Verse issue 2 is the first comic book appearance of Spider Gwen. She has since evolved into one of the most beloved multiverse characters in the Marvel universe. This book set me back a hefty price, but I expected it would.

Though I bought a weekend pass, and was still under budget, since I managed to accomplish everything I set out to do in one day, it really wasn't worth my time to go back for day two. I'm okay with that. I came away from Big Lick NOVA 2024 very happy, and that's all that matters.

Next stop, Baltimore Comic Con!

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  1. Love that McFarlane Conan cover. I'm looking forward to McFarlanes soon to be released Marvel statues. The first wave, from what I've gathered, will include issue #1 Spider-Man resin statue.

    1. I wanted to check those out, but I don't know if I have the space for something like that. Rabbit holes.
