Page One Done With Series Eight!

George of G.I. Jigsaw dove straight into wave eight after delivering the epic wave seven. He said his goal was to finish the first page of the checklist, and he did just that.

First out of the package, AKA rolled up in paper towel, was the head receptionist of The Daily Bugle, Betty Brant! She was Peter's first love, before they went their separate ways. Betty would go on to marry Ned Leeds, another employee of the paper.

Next up was one of the few villains who would dare to challenge Kingpin for the title of crime boss of New York. The Rose, AKA, Richard Fisk, AKA, the son of Wilson Fisk, AKA Kingpin, gave his father a run for his money before finally revealing his identity.

Then there was the man himself coming into the fold, Mr. Ned Leeds. While he would go on to marry Betty, his biggest story arc would come in the form of him being revealed as one of the (many) men behind the Hobgoblin mask.

We dive back into the villains with the voodoo priestest, Calypso. Though she was used sparsely in the pages of Spider-Man, her biggest story arc was ushered in by Todd McFarlane for his first five issues of the 90's Spider-Man series, AKA the Torment story arc.

Speaking of sparesely used villains revived by Todd McFarlane, next up was The Fox, the male cat burglar counterpart to Black Cat, but completely unreleated in every way. He's being poised in the new (2024) Ultimate Spider-Man series as a major villain, and hopefully he gets done a better justice than he has in the past as villain of the week fodder.

The right hand to J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson makes his long awaited appearance in the Peg People series. Robbie was one of the few supporting cast to know Peter Parker's identity, having been smart enough to put the puzzle pieces together himself.

Depending on the story being told, Puma is either a straight up villain, or a mercenary for hire. It took a while for his characters to get his own legs, and evolve into someone memorable in the spider-verse.

And on that note of spider-verses, next up is Spider-Man 2099. I still to this day can't believe that creator, Rick Leonardi, only charged a dollar for his signature, and as a result, I was able to get the entire run of the original series signed by him. This one was my favorite Peg People in this bunch, which was no easy task to select.

One of the founders of the Sinister Syndicate, we have Boomerang. Though he'd been around since the late sixties, I didn't learn about him until my teenage years when he was revitalized by Erik Larsen during his 90's run of The Amazing Spider-Man.

Though he died fairly early on in the original AMS run, father of Gwen Stacy, Captain George Stacy was a must have Peg People in my collection. Much like Robbie, he's one of the few folks who knew Spider-Man's real identity, also deducing it himself.

If you want to read a powerful story arc, look no further than the pages of The Spectacular Spider-Man 107 - 110 for The Death of Jean DeWolff. It shows up often on people's top ten "must read" lists for our hero.

Keeping with his new trend of creating a "special" figure not on the checklist, George delivered a classic character!

Come on! Who doesn't love Dom DeLuise, and his classic Cannonball Run alter ego, Captain Chaos? Well done, George!

With that all said, I updated the checklist, page one looks so amazing fully completed, and now you're up to speed with me...Well, sort of. Check back tomorrow.

Keeping with my own motif, I created a mail away offer for Captain Chaos. Much like the last one, The Greatest American Hero, this keeps these "figures" extra special, while avoiding adding to the checklist.

But, again, check back tomrrow. Noon, specifically.

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  1. The Rose and Spiderman 2099 were my favorites in this batch. No idea how Captain Chaos popped into my head, but I always thought that was a funny character. Need to rewatch Cannonball Run.

    1. Which is only available in full screen on widescreen.
