Big Lick NOVA 2024 - Guy Gilchrist


Hands down, my all time favorite interaction at Big Lick NOVA 2024 was meeting Guy Gilchrist. When I first stepped up to his table, he asked me, "What can I do for you? I've got anything you like!" To which I responded, "Muppet Babies on DVD?" I wish I could recall his verbatim response, but basically, he said no to that one, and explained that it was Disney who was holding up its release. Figures...Jerks.

Mr. Gilchrist's table was filled to the brim with Muppet memorabilia, sketchbooks, original artwork (which was also for sale), and a slew of prints. Everything was so awesome to thumb through, even though the majority of it was beyond my budget.

More on this item next week!

Guy has worked on several 80's properties, many with Jim Henson. He is also credited as managing the publishing and merchandising of several big franchises, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the original cartoon), Pink Panther, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, and Muppet Babies, to name a few. I spent quite a bit of time at his table talking about his various projects. Overall, it was my absolute favorite interaction of the day.

If my budget were unlimited, or his prices lower, I certainly would have picked up more from his table. Since both weren't, I had to limit my options to three prints, and the above item, which I'll talk more on next week. He personalized every print he signed.

"Cowabunga dude!"

"You remind me of the babe!"

"Dream big dreams!"

These look great mixed in with my other cartoon related prints, and of course, my massive collection of cartoon series on DVD.

Prices for Guy were all over the place, and depended on what you got. As noted above, three prints were $125.00. Smaller prints were three for $100.00. Original art varied. What was odd was that despite his high prices, his signature on the item noted above, with the sketch, was only $50.00. But, again, we'll talk about that next week.

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