Series Seven Delivers...Stuff! The Next Wave Of Peg People


George of G.I. Jigsaw fired me over a text this evening what said wave seven was in the bag, and ready to go. Okay, so he didn't word it that way, but the moral of the story was that I jumped in my car, and fired down the road to his house.

When I got there, he handed me this bag, and gave the instructions that the one at the top, wrapped in rubber bands, was a surprise, and should be opened last. Mmm boy. I love a good intriguing mystery. While there, he also did some touch up to a couple figures which he wanted to address some factory errors on.

After a short visit spent talking about Spider-Man, cartoons, and other such manly things, I was on my way home.

Resisting the urge, and respecting George's wishes, I opened up my first bundle. The Punisher was the first reveal, and I immediately texted George asking if this was the first character, then how could it possibly get any better? Oh, it did.

Next up was the femme fatale mercenary, Silver Sable.

Next up was the male counterpart mercenary who often appeared with her, Paladin.

The next bundle yielded three more of my favorite Spider-Man characters. First up was the miniature Spectacular Spider-Ham.

This was followed by a highly underrated character, the comedic Frog Man.

When I saw him, I took a guess, and crossed my fingers on who the next character would be, and was ecstatic when it was. Though she's 100% cliche to Alice in Wonderland, White Rabbit was still one of my favorites.

The females kept coming this round with Madame Web popping out first from the next bundle. Fun fact, it was her movie coming to Netflix that made me cancel all my streaming services. The reason being, even though I had a subscription, it was hidden behind a higher tier pay wall. No deal, Netflix!

I went back to physical media, unlike The Burglar, who would probably focus on pirating his favorite films. Seriously, though. I mean, come on. This is the classic first Spider-Man villain. The one that started it all. You've gotta appreciate him.

Just when I thought everything above was the bestest ever, George kept the zingers coming, finishing strong with the final four characters from this wave. His rendition of Jack O'Lantern is just pure fun.

And, you can't have Cloak...

Without Dagger!

Last up, before the surprise package, was the easily recognizable Hydro Man. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. George has a way of zeroing in on details that make the characters immediately recognizable.

With the last figure remaining, all the characters gathered around for the

Unwrapping it, and catching my first glance, I busted out laughing. So much so that my girl had to inquire as to what could possibly be so funny.

Come on! Who doesn't love The Greatest American Hero, Ralph Hinkley!

No, he's not from Spider-Man in any way shape or form, yet somehow, fits right in with the crowd. This figure was awesome to unveil in the bunch. Good show, George! Good show!

From there, it was time to update ye old checklist.

Wanting to keep The Greatest American Hero special to the bunch, I decided to create a mail away offer form for him, versus adding him to the physical list. I wanted to keep my format while paying homage to the classic rocket firing Boba Fett promotional back from 1979.

But that wraps up wave seven. Man, George has made a considerable dent in this checklist in such a short period of time. That first page is almost completely filled up / checked off. Take note, Hasbro!

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  1. Heck! I may have to order a Greatest American Hero figure for myself.

  2. Wow! Those look incredible. George is doing some excellent work here. I'm loving Jack o' Lantern and Frog Man best but they all look fantastic.
