The Mini Peg People Wave 11.5

George of G.I. Jigsaw channeled his inner Hasbro, and delivered the awesome Peg People wave 11.5. Some of this was clean up, others were revisons, and some were just straight up new. All were awesome.

First up was George's revisioning of Symbiote Spider-Man. Turns out, the version I identified as such was his interprutation and intension to be Spider-Man Noir. No worries, he said, he had things in mind, thus resulting in this mini "refresh" wave.

Next up was a reinturpration of Spider-Man Noir. Top notch, as far as I'm concerned. He's easily recognizable from his hat and gun! *nudge at George*

Then there was this awesome rendering of Art Suydam's Zombie Spider-Man. If you've never read the comics, you should totally check them out. They're brutal! Not for the faint of heart at all.

The last refresh was his re-rendering of The Smasher. I think we both learned last time that "The" makes a major difference when identifying Marvel characters. I'd have never expected that to happen, and was probably more surprised than George. This version was from the classic issue 116 - 118 of The Amazing Spider-Man, whereas the one which George original came up with was an X-Man character. Who knew?

Keeping in line with his secret figure give away, George tucked into the bunch a fantastic, and immediately recognizable Scott Howard, AKA Michael J. Fox's Teen Wolf.

And here we are with the updated checklist. For now, Symbiote Spider-Man (2) isn't on this. I haven't made a space for him yet. However, I'll come up with something soon.

Good stuff! Good, good, stuff.

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  1. Zombie Spiderman is my favorite. So gruesome. Now you have a Man Wolf, a Wolfman, and a Teen Wolf.
