Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 54

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 54
Release Date: November 1967

  • Doc Ock moves in with Aunt May and Anna Watson
  • Reference is made to The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1 and issue 33
  • Signs of a rift in Peter Parker and Harry Osborns friendship starts to show
  • Peter Parker meets Robbie Robertson for the first time
  • Peter Parker discovers Doc Ock is living with his Aunt May
  • Spider-Man and Doc Ock fight in Aunt May's house and this causes her to collapse
  • Peter swears the next time he meets Doc Ock he'll rid the world of him
Low Points
  • Aunt May takes Doc Ock in as a roommate while Anna Watson is out of town - Doesn't she get a say in who will rent the room? It is her house after all and she's letting Aunt May stay there
  • The phone rings and Aunt May automatically assumes it's Peter calling - Which it is. Psychic?
  • Doc Ock radios his men at their lair to come to his aid at Aunt May and Anna Watson's house, and within seconds they're mobilized and attacking Spider-Man
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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