Awesome Con 2024 - Part 6: My Buddy Dave Braun And Cosplay

Unlike prior conventions, I made sure to keep Awesome Con organized, in terms of the books I brought with me. This ensured I was able to move through the process of getting things signed, while also leaving me time to wander the convention hall. In doing so, I saw a lot of vendors selling things that really didn't interest me, and among them were the very few comic vendors.

I didn't end up taking photos of the show itself because by the time I finished getting things signed, the place was so packed. People were everywhere, and it was impossible to get a clear photo. Additionally, since I was also at a point of exhaustion and pain both in my feet (from walking), and shoulders (from lugging the bag around), I was also reaching a point of being done.

As I said in my prior post (part 5), there were comics I was looking for, but either dealers didn't have them at all, or had already sold them. Honestly, I wasn't sad about this. It saved me money in the long run, and I can't honestly say I "needed" what was on my list. 

I was able to get some photos of some passing cosplayers, most of which was at the start while everyone was lining up to enter the exhibit hall.

"Velma" seemed legitimately happy that
I asked if I could take her photo.

I snagged this Hogwarts wizard as he was walking by.

Believe it or not, it's Jar Jar Binks

Warriors...Come out and plaaayaaaay!

These two were determined to get autographs
and pictures from Hayden Christensen and
Rosario Dawson. I hope they were successful in their quest.

Remote control droids! Sweet!!!!

It was surprising that there weren't all that many people dressed up at the show. Of course, there were more than I took photos of.

Then there was my buddy, Dave Braun.

Dave enjoys coming to these shows with me, and though he's not a comic collector he did pick up a few things. Things like this Punisher print from Art Adams...

...He also got a Jerry Garcia drawing made by Jim Salicrup...

...and picket up a Batman rogues gallery print from Jeph Loeb, which included a doodle on the side of it.

At the end of the day, did I see everything there was to see at Awesome Con? No. Not even close. However, unlike Baltimore, I have no regrets. No missed issues that I had with me, but couldn't get signed. No sadness from not walking end to end, checking out everything. Everything worked out perfectly, and I accomplished all I set out to do.

One more post to go, and it's a goodin'. Make sure you check back next week for my last entry about Awesome Con 2024!

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  1. Cosplayers scare me. However, there are a handful that are extremely creative and I give them kudos for creativity.

    1. I've long since given up on understanding why people dress the way they do. Be it at a convention, or in every day life.
