Retro Spins: Bangles - Everything


I have to say, as I listen to more and more of the female group known as Bangles, I am more and more intrigued with their overall style and tunes. Their voices have a way of working with each other to weave hypnotic songs both in hard rock and ballads. It's unique, refreshing, and stands up well to the test of time.

You'll have to forgive me as I write this post, as apparently I didn't do so while listening to the album. Instead, this is actually being drafted up several weeks after the fact. My bad. Hopefully my memory works well.

In looking at my iTunes shuffle, I appear to have moved quite a few tracks over to it from Everything. These included In Your Room (classic), Eternal Flames (also a classic) and also "new" to me songs, I'll Set You Free, Be With You and Waiting For You. However, I went ahead and also sampled a few of the remaining songs on the album just to give myself a refresher. In doing so, the ones denoted above were definitely the stronger of the thirteen tracks, in my opinion.

It's almost a shame that their 1988 album was to be their last until 2003's Doll Revolution. This would be the last time all four original members would record an album together (to date), as their 2011 album, Sweetheart Of The Sun would see the departure of bassist Michael Steele. However, there is a silver lining. It turns out the group have an album from 1984 that many seem to have not known about, or completely forgot about. All Over The Place doesn't feature any major hits from the band's catalog, but after hearing their two follow up albums, I'd be interested in hearing it. I went ahead and picked it up as I typed this, so expect a review on that at some point.

I really wish I had more to say on this particular album, but as I mentioned, it's been a while since I actually heard it and actually writing this post.

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