Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 188


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 188
Release Date: January 1979


  • First appearance of Brad Davis, and Jigsaw's henchmen, Louise, Archie, and Terry O'Conner
  • The prior issue now makes sense - Electro was paid to create the blackout for unknown henchmen to steal the body of John Jameson in his cryogenic state
  • I think it finally dawned on me with this issue the connection between Aunt May and Peter Parker - I get it now why she means so much to him
  • J. Jonah Jameson talks about his wife's death - I knew he was single, but did I miss that for over 100 issues? Or is this the first time it's been mentioned?
  • Liz Allan and Harry Osborn are being sneaky, trying to get Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson back together
  • Reference is made to The Amazing Spider-Man 162, and 176 - 180
  • Jigsaw is terrified of Spider-Man, and it's his fear that is his undoing in the end - Reminds me of Batman
Low Points
  • Despite the first few pages tying in to the prior issue, the rest of the story is a throw away, villain of the week
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 187


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 187
Release Date: December 1978


  • First appearance of David Rabinowitz and Barry Starr
  • Peter states that Aunt May has been moved to a nursing home
  • Reference is made to the Godzilla affair - AKA, when S.H.I.E.L.D. went up against Japanese greatest monster
  • The artwork really stands out, and saves an otherwise lackluster script - Hats off to Bob McLeod for finishing the layouts by Marv Wolfman and Jim Shooter
Low Points
  • 100% filler story
  • Really? The plague? What is this, the 1800's?
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Retro Spins: John Mellencamp - Scarecrow


Whoa, what have I been denying myself and missing as a result of not getting around to listening to a lot of the music I have in my collection? Today I fired up John Mellencamp's 1985 album, Scarecrow, and was blasted in the face with the starting track, Rain On The Scarecrow. Holy crap, this song was fantastic! With a slight interlude of Grandma's Theme, the album jumped into Small Town, one of the tracks I purchased this for.

With a bar set that high, how could this album not deliver?

Minutes To Memories was a decent track, but somewhat started me coming down from the Mellencamp high I was currently on. While I fully anticipated this would be the case until I reached the second track I bought the album for, R.O.C.K. In The USA (A Salute To 60's Rock), I was quickly reminded of the rock I had apparently been living under when Lonely Ol' Night sprung into action. How on Earth did I forget this song? It wasn't even on my shuffle list. 

From there, the album did taper down a bit. Mind you, I didn't hear anything bad. I just didn't hear anything that blew me away and had to be added to my shuffle list.

John Mellencamp was an artist I shied away from in the 80's, and I'm kind of kicking myself for it. I feel like I missed something special that I could have been a part of, versus checking out after the impact and aftermath. I'd like to get to a point where I'm listening to the albums I get as they arrive, as opposed to catching up with piles of CD's. I don't honestly know if I'll ever reach that point.

Regardless, listening to this album did one important thing. It invigorated me mentally to want to plow through as many albums as I could for the day.

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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.


Comics Corner: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 31


Title: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Issue Number: 31
Release Date: June 1979


  • First appearance of Spider-Amoeba, the clone of Randy Vale, AKA Darter
  • Reference is made to The Amazing Spider-Man 149, Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 28 and 29
  • Origin of Carrion
  • Death of Carrion, Darter, and Spider-Amoeba - Wow, lot's of deaths!
  • Darter's death is probably the most gruesome I've seen in a Spider-Man comic to date - Very graphic

Low Points
  • None
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Party Of Peg People Series Five + Jim Shooter Custom

George of G.I. Jigsaw keeps hammering out the wins with his Spider-Man Peg People! This batch continued where he left off consecutivly, but then deviated to other areas of the checklist to capture some other classic characters.

It kicks off with some "neutral" characters. The supporting cast of the Spider-Verse, if you will, but still folks who are as important as our Web Slinger himself.

First up we have his best friend, and former roommate, Harry Osborn.

Harry Osborn

Followed by the man and mentor of the stalwart youth, his Uncle Ben Parker.

Uncle Ben Parker

Which leads us to the man himself, Peter Parker, complete with buzzing radioactive spider bitten hand.

Peter Parker

Now we shift into villainous territory with Morbius, the Living Vampire, AKA Michael Morbius.

Morbius, the Living Vampire

Originally a villain, turned superhero, the original Prowler, AKA Hobie Brown.

Followed by the clone of Spider-Man, Ben Riley, AKA Scarlet Spider.

Ben Riley, the Scarlet Spider

Then we jump down the checklist to the remaining members of the first super hero family.

Reed Richards, AKA Mr. Fantastic

Sure, you could say Reed Richards lost a shoe. I'll call it a factory error! It happens.

Susan Storm, AKA Invisible Woman

Ben Grim, The Thing

George had given me Johnny Storm, AKA The Human Torch, in the prior batch. Once he had those completed, he said he opted to round them out with a giant size Galactus, and Silver Surfer.


Silver Surfer

Shuffling folks around, I made the necessary room to add these new characters to the mix, and boy oh boy, do they look awesome all together.

Totally awesome!

This is my favorite toy line of all time. I'm so thankful to George for all of these.

Silver Surfer*Galactus*Reed Richards* Ben Grim
Susan Storm*Johnny Storm*Firestar*Iceman
Scarlet Spider*Vulture*Electro*Kravin the Hunter
Doctor Octopus*Mysterio*Scorpion*Swarm

Doctor Octopus*Scorpion*Black Cat*Swarm
Kingpin*Gwen Stacy*Uncle Ben*Norman Osborn
Peter Parker*J. Jonah Jameson*May Parker
Flash Thompson*Mary Jane Watson

Mary Jane Watson*Flash Thomson
Black Suit Spider-Man*Humbug*Spot*Stone
Taskmaster*Lizard*Chameleon*Green Goblin
Arcade*Morbius*Prowler*Molton Man*Carnage

Naturally, after snapping all the photos, I immediately updated the checklist, and sent it over to George.

I recently also got the Jim Shooter custom drawing I had purchased from Big Lick Nova 2023. This is the third piece in my "Peter Parker - Decisions" series.

I thank his assistant Brittany profusely for stepping in and getting this done. I know it took over a year to get, but frankly, it was worth the wait. Among the three custom pieces I have, it is by far my favorite.

Jim Shooter, Jim Salicrup, Rick Leonardi

I would love to get  more of these, especially one from Mark Bagley. Unfortunately, what I've found, is that not many artists are willing to agree to do these anymore. They're too time consuming for them, and as they say, time is money.

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Comics Corner: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 30


Title: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Issue Number: 30
Release Date: May 1979


  • Carrion reveals his motive - To avenge the deaths of Miles Warren (Jackal), and Gwen Stacy
  • Reference is made to The Amazing Spider-Man 147, and Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 28 - 29
  • Carrion reveals he is the clone of Professor Miles Warren
Low Points
  • Ugh...Another clone story
  • Editor's Day Off: Spider-Man's head is massively oversized in one panel

Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Comics Corner: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 29


Title: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Issue Number: 29
Release Date: April 1979


  • First appearance of Darter, AKA Randy Vale
  • Reference is made to Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 20, and 25 - 27
  • Carrion doesn't activate Spider-Man's spider sense
  • The mystery of who Carrion is continues, and ends in a climactic cliffhanger
  • It's good to see this title starting to spread its wings with deep storytelling, and not be just a villain of the week dumpster
Low Points
  • None
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Comics Corner: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 28


Title: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Issue Number: 28
Release Date: March 1979


  • First appearance of Gilroy
  • Death / destruction of the android Tri-Man
  • Spider-Man, still blind, channels his inner Daredevil, and unlocks his heightened other senses
  • Reference is made to Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 20, and The Amazing Spider-Man 180
  • Action filled fight between Carrion and Peter Parker
  • Exciting cliff hanger ending with Carrion accusing Peter Parker of murder
Low Points
  • None
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Comics Corner: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 27


Title: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Issue Number: 27
Release Date: February 1979


  • First Frank Miller Daredevil work, with classic retelling of the super hero's origin
  • First appearance of Nurse Wills
  • Reference is made to Daredevil 1, and Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 24
  • Daredevil can also sense Spider-Man's tracers - Which he tossed on the Masked Marauder's back during their last encounter
Low Points
  • Spider-Man keeps losing his temper about being blind, and throwing fits that destroy people's stuff
  • Editor's Day Off: Multiple panels with Spider-Man's lenses colored red
  • Spider-Man is standing on a window ledge, and even though he's blind, still needs to ask Daredevil which way is the roof...Um...Up
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Comics Corner: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 26


Title: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Issue Number: 26
Release Date: January 1979


  • Reference is made to Daredevil 16, 17, Werewolf By Night 43, and Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 24
  • Carrion is in Peter Parker's apartment - he knows his secret identity
Low Points
  • Kind of slow paced
  • Spider-Man spends the entire issue wandering around the city blind
  • The Masked Marauder says he's spent months in prison workshops heightening the power of his opt-blasts - Not a very good prison if he can spend his time perfecting weapons
  • They once again call the box truck a van
  • Editor's Day Off - There's are multiple panels where Spider-Man's lenses are red
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Comics Corner: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 25


Title: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man
Issue Number: 25
Release Date: December 1978


  • First appearance of Carrion, and Tri-Man
  • Reference is made to Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man 22, 23, Marvel Team-Up 72, and The Amazing Spider-Man 11
Low Points
  • The story is building to something, hopefully it's worth the cliffhanger ending
  • The title of the issue - Carrion, My Wayward Son, goof nod to the Kansas tune Carry On Wayward Son
  • The panel shows a box truck, but they call it a van
  • The Masked Marauder has Spider-Man in his sights, but doesn't shoot because then he wouldn't be able to, "learn how he stymied" his plans in the past - But he could just, you know, kill Spider-Man here and now, and never have to worry about him ever again
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Retro Spins: DeBarge - Rhythm Of The Night


DeBarge was another one of those family members groups promoted and released by Motown's Gordy Records. However, unlike their most famous quintet, The Jackson 5, DeBarge suffered from a lack of hits, rotating family members and substance abuse.

After releasing three albums under the label, The DeBarges (1981), All This Love (1982) and In A Special Way (1983), turmoil began. With many of the members addicted to drugs, Motown turned their attention to brother El, who they sensed was emerging as the star of the group. The relied on him heavily to record the groups follow up album, Rhythm Of The Night.

Not only would the album become their most successful, but it would see El and sister Bunny departed from the group to pursue solo careers with their record label. Despite this, additional family members would step into the vacant slots from the group to continue unsuccessfully under Striped Horse Records label (1987) and Truth Ministries Records (1991) for their final album to date.

Though Motown invested in solo careers for El, Bunny and Chico, the label would soon thereafter fire them, and brother El would go on to Warner Brothers to continue his relatively lackluster solo career. However, for that one moment in time in 1985, DeBarge was one of the hottest groups of all time with their number three and six hits, Rhythm Of The Night and Who's Holding Donna Now, respectively. Mind you, this wasn't the only Billboard hits from the group. However, it is their most commonly known.

Rhythm Of The Night, the album, is far from impactful. It has its hits, and it gets a nod of approval for them. However, beyond that, there's not much to be found here. Since I didn't have any sense of high expectations for it, it's not like it necessarily disappointed me. I didn't suspect it would blow my mind by any means.

Well...Wait. I take that back. It was disappointing that this CD was kind of expensive. For the price it runs on secondary markets, it should have delivered more than it did.

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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.

Comics Corner: Marvel Team-Up 86


Title: Marvel Team-Up
Issue Number: 86
Release Date: October 1979


  • First appearance of Ivor Carlson, Eric Salter, Lawrence Whittier "Rap" Reynolds III
  • Reference is made to X-Men 119, Giant-Size Spider-Man 4, Avengers 167, and The Incredible Hulk 182
  • Generic in every sense, but a good action story
Low Points
  • Hammer and Anvil are pretty lame and forgettable villains
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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Homemade Cowboy Casserole


You make these beans once, and that regular canned stuff won't ever do again. This dish is hearty, sticks to your ribs, warms you up good, and fills a cowboy's energy back up after a long day on the prairie.

Now technically, this recipe not only makes this delicious stew, but its base is essentially homemade baked beans. That's why I said above that if you try this, you won't go back to the cans.


1 - 16 Ounce Bag of Great Northern Beans
1 Pound Ground Burger (the leaner the better)
1 Pound Pork
1 Package (2.5 Ounces) Pre-Cooked Bacon (or ten strip raw bacon)
1 Medium Size Yellow Onion - Diced
1 Teaspoon Minced Garlic (or 1/2 Teaspoon if omitting the meat)
1 Cup Tomato Sauce (or 1/2 Cup if omitting the meat)
1/2 Cup Molasses (or 1/4 Cup if omitting the meat)
1 Cup Brown Sugar - Packed (or 1/2 Cup if omitting the meat)
4 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (or 2 Tablespoons if omitting the meat)
2 Tablespoons Yellow Mustard (or 1 Tablespoon if omitting the meat)
4 Teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce (or 2 Teaspoons if omitting the meat)
2 Teaspoons Paprika (or 1 Teaspoon if omitting the meat)
4 Teaspoons Salt (or 2 Teaspoons if omitting the meat)
1 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper (or 1/2 Teaspoon if omitting the meat)
2 Bay Leaves (or 1 leaf if omitting the meat)
1 1/2 Cups Cooked Bean Water - You may need more (See Below)

First and foremost, you cannot throw this recipe together at the last minute. You must plan ahead to soak your beans overnight (8 hours minimum, but up to 24 hours). Do so by emptying the bag into a large bowl or the pot you plan on cooking in (which must be oven safe).

Fill the bowl to the top with water. There's no such thing as too much...unless of course it overflows and spills. Common sense is a must in that regard.

Much like dough, your beans should double in size when they're ready to be cooked. I started soaking these at 1:00 PM on a Sunday, and began cooking at 6:00 AM on the following Monday (it was a holiday, yeah!)

Drain your beans, and pour them into a pot. You want to then fill the pot as much as possible with water, but no less than two inches above the beans.

Bring the pot to a boil, and reduce the heat just enough to keep a simmer going. Then cover the pot, and let this cook for one hour, stirring every ten to fifteen minutes to ensure the beans don't stick to the bottom.

In the last fifteen minutes of this first cooking, turn your oven on to 325 degrees, and dice your onion and bacon. Let's pause here a moment. I'm using precooked bacon, and there's a reason for that. It's the same reason I am going to use the lowest fat content of ground beef I can find. I don't want all that grease in my beans. Sure, it will add flavor, and some people prefer it, so if that is your preference, still follow this step, and dice up your bacon (raw). Or omit the meat if going full vegetarian.

Next up, we'll prepare the sauce.

Combine the Tomato Sauce, Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce, Molasses, Brown Sugar, Apple Cider Vinegar, Paprika, Salt and Pepper, and stir it up good to combine it.

When your hour of cooking is done, carefully remove it from the heat, and drain the beans through a colander into something large enough to catch all the bean water. You want to keep this. DON'T THROW IT OUT!

Measure off 1 1/2 Cups bean water, but again, do not throw out the rest. You may need more. Add your Bay Leaves (leaf) to this, and let them (it) sit in the hot liquid.

In your same pot / pan you initially cooked your beans in, add your bacon. If raw, this fat will also be used to render your onions. First, you'll need to cook your bacon to your desired temperature. If using precooked bacon, and wanting to keep it less greasy, add the bacon, and onion together.

Let this heat up for a bit (or cook it through if using raw bacon), and then add your garlic, and stir.

Next add your meat, and let it cook until brown. While it's cooking, add your measured out bean water with Bay Leaves to your sauce mixture, and gently stir it to combine, avoiding breaking your Leaves.

When your meat is browned, if you desire, carefully drain it to remove excess grease and / or fat. I highly recommend this step, regardless of whether or not you used raw bacon.

Now add your beans, and gently toss to incorporated, being careful to not mash the beans in the process.

Add your sauce to the mixture, and again gently fold it together to avoid mashing the beans and / or breaking the Bay Leaves. Now you have to make a decision. If you like sticky beans with minimal juice, simple put a lid over this, and pop it in the oven. If you like a little juice in your beans, add another 1/2 Cup of your reserved bean water.

Regardless of whether or not you add the extra bean water or not, your next step is to cover it, and put it in the oven. Say goodbye to them for the next two and a half hours.

After the two and a half hours cook time (you're up to three and a half for those of you keeping track), carefully take the hot lid off, and let the beans cook an additional thirty minutes uncovered.

Before you do, this is your last opportunity to add more bean juice if you find them to be too sticky for your liking. Simply give the pan a gentle shake to see how much liquid is below the beans. Don't let the sticky layer, such as that above, fool you. There could be a lot more liquid below that you don't see. So, don't just add the liquid based on the top of the pan. Let it jiggle, as they say, to see what is underneath.

Once it's done cooking the final thirty minutes, carefully remove it from the oven, and give it a stir.

This is the consistency I like. Not too sticky, but not too runny.

Now, sure, you could decide you hate yourself, and immediately shovel that pile of hot lava into your mouth, or you could let it cool uncovered, and set a bit more, for the next thirty minutes. I highly recommend this. Not only will this dissipate more of the liquid while it sits, but also give you time to prep anything you plan on having on the side with it. A nice wedge of bread, for example. Or, as I like to do it, scooped over a nice bowl full of tater tots (or mashed potatoes).

Now that's a cowboy casserole! Regardless of how you do it, you know what's up. Get you a spoon (or fork), and get you some!

No, it's not as quick as popping the top off of a can, nor is it as convenient. But, I guarantee you, it's a thousand times better. You won't go back to the can once you try this. This is what baked beans are supposed to taste like. Not that processed gunk.

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