Retro Spins: Stacey Q - Better Than Heaven


Early 80's albums on CD can be both a blessing and a curse. They're a blessing to have nice digital copies of music that for the most part was mass distributed on vinyl and cassette, with CD's being a somewhat low production in comparison. However, this comes at sometimes inflated costs due to their rarer nature, or the problem I discovered today. What am I talking about? Keep reading.

Cinnamon, I mean, Stacey Q (leave a comment if you caught that reference) didn't necessarily ignite the world of pop music in the 80's. She's had a handful of Billboard charters, but of those four songs, Two Of Hearts was the only one to crack the top ten. This was the song that lead me to tracking down her 1986 album, Better Than Heaven, a very over exaggerated title based on the music enclosed within.

Better Than Heaven, for the most part, is your typical 80's throw away fodder. It has that one noteworthy track, that is by no means a song worth racing out there to find the album for. It's more so one of those, "Yeah, I'll get to it," kind of things.

Which leads me to wrapping up my first paragraph. Some artists of the 80's really took advantage of the extended space on CD's. This led to them not releasing the original album version of songs found on the cassettes or LP's, but instead, extended plays or even remixes.

Such is the case with Two Of Hearts, a song which originally runs for three minutes fifty-nine seconds, but has been extended to a whopping seven minutes fourteen seconds. Sometimes less is more, and this is typically the case when people buy an album, only to be blindsided by an unwanted seven or twelve inch version

At the end of the day, it's disappointing because I didn't get the song I wanted, and after listening to the album, I also didn't hear anything all that impressive. Basically, it was a waste of money to get this album on CD. Rather than spending twenty bucks, I could have just spent three on the cassette and ripped it to MP3 format.

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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.


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