Retro Spins: John Mellencamp - Scarecrow


Whoa, what have I been denying myself and missing as a result of not getting around to listening to a lot of the music I have in my collection? Today I fired up John Mellencamp's 1985 album, Scarecrow, and was blasted in the face with the starting track, Rain On The Scarecrow. Holy crap, this song was fantastic! With a slight interlude of Grandma's Theme, the album jumped into Small Town, one of the tracks I purchased this for.

With a bar set that high, how could this album not deliver?

Minutes To Memories was a decent track, but somewhat started me coming down from the Mellencamp high I was currently on. While I fully anticipated this would be the case until I reached the second track I bought the album for, R.O.C.K. In The USA (A Salute To 60's Rock), I was quickly reminded of the rock I had apparently been living under when Lonely Ol' Night sprung into action. How on Earth did I forget this song? It wasn't even on my shuffle list. 

From there, the album did taper down a bit. Mind you, I didn't hear anything bad. I just didn't hear anything that blew me away and had to be added to my shuffle list.

John Mellencamp was an artist I shied away from in the 80's, and I'm kind of kicking myself for it. I feel like I missed something special that I could have been a part of, versus checking out after the impact and aftermath. I'd like to get to a point where I'm listening to the albums I get as they arrive, as opposed to catching up with piles of CD's. I don't honestly know if I'll ever reach that point.

Regardless, listening to this album did one important thing. It invigorated me mentally to want to plow through as many albums as I could for the day.

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  1. An awesome album. One of the best. Maybe you shied away from Mellencamp because of all the airtime of John Cougar's "Jack and DIane" and "Hurts so Good" - great songs, but they played them constantly.

    1. I think I favored the more pop sound when I was younger, which attributed to this.
