Party Of Peg People Series Five + Jim Shooter Custom

George of G.I. Jigsaw keeps hammering out the wins with his Spider-Man Peg People! This batch continued where he left off consecutivly, but then deviated to other areas of the checklist to capture some other classic characters.

It kicks off with some "neutral" characters. The supporting cast of the Spider-Verse, if you will, but still folks who are as important as our Web Slinger himself.

First up we have his best friend, and former roommate, Harry Osborn.

Harry Osborn

Followed by the man and mentor of the stalwart youth, his Uncle Ben Parker.

Uncle Ben Parker

Which leads us to the man himself, Peter Parker, complete with buzzing radioactive spider bitten hand.

Peter Parker

Now we shift into villainous territory with Morbius, the Living Vampire, AKA Michael Morbius.

Morbius, the Living Vampire

Originally a villain, turned superhero, the original Prowler, AKA Hobie Brown.

Followed by the clone of Spider-Man, Ben Riley, AKA Scarlet Spider.

Ben Riley, the Scarlet Spider

Then we jump down the checklist to the remaining members of the first super hero family.

Reed Richards, AKA Mr. Fantastic

Sure, you could say Reed Richards lost a shoe. I'll call it a factory error! It happens.

Susan Storm, AKA Invisible Woman

Ben Grim, The Thing

George had given me Johnny Storm, AKA The Human Torch, in the prior batch. Once he had those completed, he said he opted to round them out with a giant size Galactus, and Silver Surfer.


Silver Surfer

Shuffling folks around, I made the necessary room to add these new characters to the mix, and boy oh boy, do they look awesome all together.

Totally awesome!

This is my favorite toy line of all time. I'm so thankful to George for all of these.

Silver Surfer*Galactus*Reed Richards* Ben Grim
Susan Storm*Johnny Storm*Firestar*Iceman
Scarlet Spider*Vulture*Electro*Kravin the Hunter
Doctor Octopus*Mysterio*Scorpion*Swarm

Doctor Octopus*Scorpion*Black Cat*Swarm
Kingpin*Gwen Stacy*Uncle Ben*Norman Osborn
Peter Parker*J. Jonah Jameson*May Parker
Flash Thompson*Mary Jane Watson

Mary Jane Watson*Flash Thomson
Black Suit Spider-Man*Humbug*Spot*Stone
Taskmaster*Lizard*Chameleon*Green Goblin
Arcade*Morbius*Prowler*Molton Man*Carnage

Naturally, after snapping all the photos, I immediately updated the checklist, and sent it over to George.

I recently also got the Jim Shooter custom drawing I had purchased from Big Lick Nova 2023. This is the third piece in my "Peter Parker - Decisions" series.

I thank his assistant Brittany profusely for stepping in and getting this done. I know it took over a year to get, but frankly, it was worth the wait. Among the three custom pieces I have, it is by far my favorite.

Jim Shooter, Jim Salicrup, Rick Leonardi

I would love to get  more of these, especially one from Mark Bagley. Unfortunately, what I've found, is that not many artists are willing to agree to do these anymore. They're too time consuming for them, and as they say, time is money.

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  1. So much pressure. I like the "Collect them All" posters. You missed a "Spot" - number 40. ;-)

    1. Intentional. There's always an error on those lists.

  2. Think about the playset possibilities! These would make great intro-to-Marvel figures for tots. Of course, that wouldn't stop us older collectors from wanting to snatch them all up 😉 Good stuff, Jigs!

    1. George, Tone makes a good point here. Where are we at with construction and design of playsets?

    2. Thanks. We're nowhere with playset designs. What would you all suggest?

    3. The entire city of New York, with all the main buildings - Baxter Building, Avenger's Tower, Daily Bugle, etc.
