***This post now contains all three figures from wave two.***
I got word from fellow collector, G.I. Jigsaw that wave two of G.I. Joe Classified has been hitting Walgreens. While I hadn't personally come across any of these, George managed to find A Gung Ho out in the wild, and was kind enough to ask me if it was something I would want. While I have a case on order, having the opportunity to get one of these now was very alluring. So naturally, I said yes.
Aesthetically, Gung Ho is one of the best figures produced so far for this line. From his open chested vest, which showcases his traditional tattoo, to his military cap, the figure does well nodding at the original vintage line, while bringing the character into the updated Classified style.
Taking a closer look, Hasbro has managed to pull off Gung Ho and biker Village People in one fell swoop. That's pretty impressive.
Jokes aside, I really do like this figure. Gung Ho is an iconic Joe character, a staple to the line in all respects. While he's not my favorite Classified Joe team figure, that honor goes to Beach Head and Snake Eyes (in that order - to date), he definitely fits right in among the other members.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. First and foremost, let's start with the packaging.
Hasbro hasn't deviated from the original wave yet, but time will tell if that happens. While I don't necessarily hate it, I do wonder if we'll eventually see a bubble carded sub series, perhaps reserved for "vintage" or "Sunbow Cartoon" style figures - Much like they did with the anniversary editions of the Star Wars Black Series figures. Like I said, time will tell if that happenes.
So far, the back of the packaging remains the same as prior waves. Hasbro remains tight lipped about future characters coming out, which is somewhat disappointing. Remember the good old days when the back of the package featured a slew of characters available - ten to twenty at a time? Why can't this be how it is today? Why all the hush, hush, secrets?
But...Looking at the back, I REALLY want Hasbro to make a Trouble Bubble (Cobra Flight Pod). I really like those things! They're one of the few vintage vehicles I'd like to track down.
Looking closer at the accessories inside, something was off with the shotgun inside. It was all bent and wonky. Something definitely went awry in the sculpting process.
I wish I could say the execution flaws stopped there. For those, let's dig further into said accessories.
The figure comes with three guns, which includes a grenade launcher, assault rifle and shotgun. Additionally, it includes a backpack and removable hat.
On the surface, the backpack would seem to have a slot for every weapon. However, this aspect only seems to work visually. While the shotgun and assault rifle fit nicely into the side slots, I can't for the life of me figure out how the grenade launcher slots into the bottom one. I tried multiple angles, and nothing seemed to work. Well, I take that back. The grenade launcher can be hung on it from the handle. However, it sticks out really far and looks "wonky".
For the most part, I've already talked about the figure itself. I'll mention one more thing, and then I'll let the pictures do the talking from here on out.
That one thing will take me back to the grenade launcher. It was bad enough that it didn't really fit on the backpack. But, trying to put it in the figure's hand proved to be a challenge of sheer brute force. I had to pull open the fingers, push and jam it in, then try to tug on the thumb to get it in place. I seriously thought I was going to break something on it - Either the hand, wrist or gun itself. Seriously, Hasbro. The hands don't have to be sculpted so tightly closed.
Anyway, on to the pictures.
Here's Gung Ho all decked out and ready for action.
Next up in wave two is Red Ninja, a figure which came to me from another source.
Packaging remains consistent, so there's no real reason to touch anymore on that matter.

Since 1993, there have been several versions of this figure released in 3 3/4 fashion.
However, of these, only one was from the original vintage line, post 1994. Additionally, none of them come close to looking like this particular design. For the
most part, these have been fairly generic figures, and some even just
repaints of Storm Shadow V1 and V2. This particular version is definitely more
menacing looking. Especially with the solid white eyes.
Upon inspecting it, the waist joint appears to have the same issue that the recently released Arctic Mission Storm Shadow. It's incredibly wobbly. Fortunately with a little adjustment it "snapped" in place in a straight standing position. However, it's still a bit loose.
As I look at the figure from all angles, I find it difficult to really get excited for it. It's not a character from the era of G.I. Joe I collected as a kid (or adult), so I have no fond memories of it that would excite me for a six inch version. Not only that, but in terms of being compared to the other figures released to date, it's kind of boring and generic.
I mean, look at it. Slap it in any package, and it could pass as a throw away figure for any six inch line out there. It's as if Hasbro felt the same way too. The only tell it's from a G.I. Joe line is the incredibly tiny Cobra logo on the black bandana.
You may have noticed all the various slots on the figure from all the photos above these of course are for the accessories, which there are plenty of. However, unique, they are not.
With exception of the red triple sheath, every weapon packed in with Red Ninja was previously packed in with the deluxe Snake Eyes, which Hasbro Pulse offered as an exclusive when they launched the line. That's a bit disappointing. I mean, it's bad enough that the figure is generic in every sense. Could they at least have put some effort into the weapons?
Oh well. I suppose not every figure can be a winner.
Between the triple sheath, which plugs into the figure's back, and the three additional slots on the belts, there's a place to house all but two of the weapons. As such, you're going to need to put two in the hands in order to have all of them being held at one time.
At the end of the day, Red Ninja isn't for me. I'll of course throw it on the shelf with the rest of the other Classified characters, but definitely not feeling much love for it.
Thanks to Jerry over at
Action Figure Barbecue, I got the third and final figure in wave two, Cobra Commander.
Even before I take it out of the package I am really digging this figure! Not only that, but the artwork on the box itself is superb!
Let's break that bad boy out and have a closer look.
Every side of this figure is decked out in detail. While it's ultimately the same sculpt utilized for the recently released Hasbro Pulsecon exclusive, Snake Supreme Cobra Commander, this helmeted version is far superior, in my opinion. As much as I like the exclusive version of the leader of our favorite terrorist group, seeing him in that classic blue color is far more appealing for me. It will be interesting to see how the Regal variant compares when these two are side by side (a post for another time - because the figure isn't out yet).
As I spin the figure around, I can't help but gawk at all the beautiful attention to detail here. I dare say this may have taken first place as my all time favorite Cobra figure released to date. Sorry, Destro and Baroness.
For as much as I like the helmeted version of Cobra Commander, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't eagerly waiting to see what a hooded version will look like. I also wouldn't frown at a fully armored version, in the fashion of the 1987 Cobra Commander (V3), as represented in the DIC second series of the animated series.
Accessories wise, I feel like Hasbro could have put a tad more effort into them.
The knife and pistol are pretty cool, but I'd much rather have Cobra Commander's traditional blaster. Hasbro included it with the above noted Snake Supreme version, so I'm not sure why they couldn't bother to include it here. I would have much rather had that than two additional hands. For those of you who recall, Hasbro did the same thing with their exclusive deluxe Snake Eyes, who came with his customary Uzi, which the retail release didn't have. I'm not sure why Hasbro is making us buy exclusive versions to get these iconic weapons.
Here's the figure all decked out.
If I had to nitpick, which I do, I have to admit I don't like how the bottom of the knife sheath didn't have a gap at the bottom. I also wish there were a holster for the pistol. Still, I enjoy this figure a lot. I know I said it may be my favorite Cobra figure at this point, I actually don't think it is. For as cool as Cobra Commander looks, Baroness is still far superior.
Based on the anticipated releases for they year, the Regal variant of Cobra Commander appears to be the last figure I "need". I've got one on pr-order, and it states it's slated for a December release. Once I get that, it will be a wrap on 2020. Of course, next year, bright and early in January, we're all expecting the Target exclusive Viper and Firefly, as well as, the retail release of Cobra Infantry and Zartan. Can't wait! This line gets more and more exciting with each announced new figure.
Until then, check out the shelves!
(front to back, left to right)
Deluxe Snake Eyes*Roadblock
Snake Eyes*Destro (1st Run Circle Head)*Destro (2nd Run No Circle)*Duke
Scarlett*Cobra Commander*Gung Ho
Red Ninja*Snake Supreme Cobra Commander*Beach Head (Brown Eyes)*Beach Head (Blue Eyes)
Roadblock (V2)*Cobra Trooper (Black Collar)*Cobra Trooper (Blue Collar)*Baroness
Arctic Mission Storm Shadow*Profit Director Destro
And for he fun of it, here's a photo of Cobra's fearless leader flanked by two of his loyal troops and his entourage, Destro and Baroness. Sorry, Red Ninja, you just don't fit in.
Don't forget, there's a contest running this month, and you could win the sold out Hasbro Pulsecon exclusive Transformers War For Cybertron Trilogy Quintesson Pit of Judgement! Simply go to
the post and enter your comment for a chance to win!
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