Disney 100 Comic Cover Variants (Marvel Comics)


Disney 100 Comic Cover Variants
Marvel Comics
2023 - 2024

It's not often that Disney does something that intrigues me, let alone gets me to drop money on it. However, in January 2023 when the Mouse House tagged up with another one of their properties, Marvel Comics, and started releasing variant cover issues, I took notice. Then I quickly moved on to something else.

Fast forward to 2024, and Disney was still in the swing of thing, collaborating with Marvel on more and more covers. I took notice again. As I perused through the various, the classic cover homage variants definitely intrigued me more than the modern ones, but I still wasn't sold on them.

Then I saw the homage cover for The Amazing Spider-Man 300. Okay, now this "series" had my attention. Then I came across a cover for Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, and another depicting issue one of The Infinity Gauntlet.

As I picked and chose various ones, the cost wasn't rising all that much. Despite being a year old, the books were still only garnering cover price. My pile grew and grew, and that was when I took notice of something else.

The covers had all been slapped on volume six issues of The Amazing Spider-Man, and though not a consecutive run, encompassed the odd numbers starting with issue 17 through 51 (so far).

So, wait. Now I was not only getting cool Disney homage covers, but they were all associated with Spider-Man? Okay, now I was all in. I'm not typically a current comic book reader. I prefer to keep my reading era limited to nothing past 1998. However, this I could justify adding to my collection.

I'm going to be honest, and say that I wouldn't hate if Disney kept this up. Most of these are really cool. At least to me they are. I could see myself continuing to buy into this gimmick if they kept going.

What I won't do, is buy in to the 1 in 100 variant cover version, which are nothing more than black and white versions, as pictured below each color cover in the images. That's just stupid. Especially when the majority of them sell for between $100.00, and $120.00. Yes, apparently it's the 90's again, and it's not about the comics, but gimmick covers.

I suppose the same thing could be said for the color versions. They are, after all, just another variant of each particular Amazing Spider-Man issue.

Though, I do have a thought. Would these issues have been as popular if they were homage covers with reprints of the actual issues they were intended to represent within the pages?

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