Baltmore Comic Con 2024 Part 3: Keith Williams, Alex Saviuk, and Bob Wiacek

Baltimore Comic Con 2024 remained in full swing, and standing in line after line was the name of the game. Moving on from last week's post, I made my way to the tables of Alex Saviuk, Keith Williams, and Bob Wiacek.

I've run into Mr. Williams at multiple shows, and each time I bring a bevy of random books for him to sign. Last time, I focused on a signature on a symbiote story, his only contribution to the arc. The time before that, was a couple more random books.

This time around, I picked some books that held a bit more sentimental value to me. I honed in on the first Web of Spider-Man books, in fact the first Spider-Man books, I had as a kid. The ones that officially introduced me to the character. As I was regaling this tale to him and his wife, my buddy called to tell me the artist he was in line for had just shown up.

Oops...I missed a signature from
Al Milgrom on this...oh, well...

To accomplish the signing of these books, I also needed to get a couple signatures from Alex Saviuk, who was a few tables down.

These three books either came with the Sears catalog ordered Offical Marvel Comics Collector's Kit, a Christmas gift I received, or very early in my comic book "collecting" childhood. Regardless of their origin, these stand out very vividly as my first exposure to Spider-Man in comic form.

There were two things that bothered me for the longest time from last year's Baltimore Comic Con. The first was forgetting to get my cover for the AudioGraphic version of Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars signed by Bob Wiacek. The second, was forgetting to pay him for the three books he did sign.

Upon rectifying the first at this year's convention, I fessed up to the oversight from last year. I handed Mr. Wiacek $100.00, and said, this is for today's signature, the oversight from last time, and what we'll call interest. He was taken aback by my honesty, and said that if he could physically see to draw, he would gift me a Man Thing drawing for it. He said that if he ever got his vision back that he would still do that.

The moral of the story, I was glad to get it off my guilty conscience, and make Mr. Wiacek whole because it was the right thing to do. I do pray his vision returns one day, not for the potential gift he offered that would come from it. Just because I wish him the best.

For those of you tracking pricing, Keith Williams remains at his very generous $5.00 per signature, while Alex Saviuk remained at his pricing of $10.00. I believe Bob Wiacek was $20.00 per signature, but I honestly didn't pay attention since I had my mission to make him whole to complete.

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