My introduction to the Pointer Sisters was via the 1983 Eddie Murphy film, Beverly Hills Cop, which featured Neutron Dance. In and of itself, it was a hot, hot, hot soundtrack. However, if you want to hear about that, you'll have to click "HERE". Today, I'm talking specifically about the girls.
Break Out is an interesting title for their 1983 album because it was far from their first. It wasn't even their second or third. Nope, by '83, they were releasing their tenth studio album. It would also be the record which brought the trio their most success.
It was while listening and writing this post that I discovered I did not have the original version of this album. The first pressings included a song entitled, Nightline. However, when Break Out was re-released in 1984, this track was removed. In its place was a remixed version of the group's single from their prior album, So Excited! (1982). That song of course was, I'm So Excited. After doing a quick Youtube search of the omitted track, I'm totally fine with this. I'd much rather have the latter song.

As it starts up, Break Out delivers three solid tracks in a row with, Jump (For My Love), Automatic, which is my personal favorite from the girls and then I'm So Excited. But it then takes a bit of a dip with I Need You, but then comes back in a big way with, Neutron Dance.
Unfortunately, this momentum dives down fast after this. The rest of the album doesn't feel as refined and polished as the aforementioned hits. As if the momentum couldn't be kept up. In fact, I dare say, the rest of the album isn't even worth listening to. It's just not any good. It has its hits, and that's what I recommend sticking with.
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