Baltimore Comic Con 2023: Part I

Baltimore Comic Con struck between Friday, September 8, and Sunday, September 10, and the crowds came out in droves. This place was so busy, and lines so long, that I didn't get to accomplish hunting down all the autographs I wanted, let alone even getting an opportunity to actually walk around and enjoy the various vendors. It probably didn't help that I only had a Saturday pass, so time was extremely limited for me, on what was probably the busiest day for the show.

Between not being able to see everything, along with standing in line all day, I definitely need to reassess future conventions for just how important a specific signature is. Mainly, I think I'm going to focus on specific story lines, and not necessarily worry about key appearances. This will not only free up my time to enjoy everything, but greatly reduce the costs involved.

It's difficult to plan for these shows because the "artists" don't list their pricing in advance. Because of this, I tend to bring more than I should because I don't want to be without something if the price is too good to pass up.

A perfect example of this is when I went to Big Lick NOVA in 2023, and Rick Leonardi was signing things for a dollar. Well, at that price, it's easy to say, "Yes, please sign my entire fifty issue run."

However, when you expect an artist to be free, such as what all signs pointed to would be the case for Jim Starlin, (I don’t usually charge for signatures at conventions. - Jim Starlin on his own Facebook page) and you take eighteen books only to be told it's twenty dollars per signature, you've not only overpacked, but have to make decisions on the fly of what is important. It gets frustrating fast, and I wish these folks would just be transparent on the guest page so that people could plan accordingly.

All of the above taken into consideration, I don't want it to be thought that I didn't have a good time. I had a budget, I actually came in well under said budget, and got a lot of things signed. Were there things I wanted to get signed that I didn't? Absolutely, and I will certainly elaborate on these. However, I'm not going to let not getting things signed over shadow the wonderful things I did get signed. Plus, I suppose since I am writing this the Sunday after, it's not like I couldn't have jumped back in my car and headed back (purchasing a ticket at the door).

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