Star Wars Bend Ems
1992 - 1994
How complete do you need your collection, and how much money are you willing to spend?
These are the two most important questions you need to ask yourself before plunging into the Star Wars Bend Ems line. For such a simplistic concept, we were floored by how many different versions of the same figure there are. Let's just say that fans of the original Kenner figures will sympathize with Bend Ems fans in terms of hunting down cardback variations.
We're not going one hundred percent in depth on this one in terms of pictures. We've captured the basics in terms of card variation releases, but as far as the various Topps trading cards that came packed in - We'll go into detail in the text, but not in the photos.
This particular line has a level of desirability to both action figure and trading card collectors. The reason for this is that (for the most part) each figure came packed in with a various promo card from the Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 1 and 2 trading card series. These cards were only available with the Bend Ems figures, and some may even argue that they are more desirable than the figures themselves.

The series is broken down into a few categories. The first is 8 Backs, the second is 12 Backs, the third is 20 Backs, the fourth is Gift Sets, and last is Accessories. This is the best way to lay everything out in terms of tackling not only this post, but in hunting them down. We'll also include an additional section at the end which will show all the promo cards.
The first eight figures released were; C-3PO, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Stormtrooper and Yoda. These figures are what have become known as the 8 Back figures. They are named as such because there are eight figures, and all eight are featured on the back of the card.
There are five known variations of the eight back card;
8A - This was the first card produced for the series, and as such is one of the most desirable versions for collectors. Its prominent features are the printed on hash marked rectangular outline which designated where the trading card would be packed in. In addition to this, it featured a "Bonus Star Wars Galaxy" crescent printed at the bottom of said outline. What's interesting about this feature, and what probably contributed to it being removed is that once the figure and card are packaged in, and a sticker version of the crescent placed over top of it, you couldn't see either features. An explosion bubble underneath the Star Wars logo reads "Limited Edition". This caused some confusion for buyers initially as it was questioned as to what was limited about it - The figure, the card, or both?
8B - This card removes the hash marked rectangular outline which designated where the trading card would be packed in, as well as the printed "Bonus Star Wars Galaxy" crescent. As mentioned above, once the figure and card were packaged, these items were no longer visible making them unnecessary to include, and also a cost saving measure to do so. A "Topps Star Wars Galaxy" crescent sticker was adhered to the front of the package just at the bottom right corner of the card. In addition, the item number and age restrictions suggestion text have been moved to the bottom right corner of the package.
8C - This card addresses the confusion of the "Limited Edition" explosion bubble by way of a new sticker explosion bubble reading "Limited Edition Trading Card" which was adhered over top of the original "Limited Edition" one.
8D - This card now has a printed version of the "Limited Edition Trading Card" explosion bubble on the package. In addition, the name of the figure inside was increased to a larger font to make it more legible. The back of the cards also feature a couple changes. The most obvious is that the blue boxes in which the characters were showcased has been changed to purple ones. The second is that the Chewbacca photo has been changed to a different image of the character.

8E - The most difficult versions of any of the figures to find are those released in the 8E card version. These packs did not feature a Topps trading card, and as such did not feature any explosion bubbles printed on the cards.
8F - The last known card variation for the 8 Back cards is 8F. This version once again incorporated trading cards into the packages. Rather than print all new cards, JusToys instead utilized the original "Limited Edition Trading Card" explosion bubble stickers from card 8C, adhering them to card 8E.
Below are the two known versions of the cardbacks themselves. The blue cards were utilized for cards 8A through 8C. The purple were utilized for cards 8D through 8F.
Now let's talk about the figures themselves.
It's key to note that there is a variant of C-3PO which was available. The original release featured the figure with two gold legs. The second release depicted a more movie accurate version of the character as one leg was replaced with a silver one. This version was released towards the tail end of the wave, and is only known to exist on card 8F. The 8 Back C-3PO figures are known to only come with Promo Card "O" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1.
C-3PO - 8A Card
C-3PO - 8B Card
C-3PO - 8C Card
C-3PO - 8D Card
C-3PO - 8E Card
C-3PO - 8F Card
C-3PO (Silver Leg Version) - 8F
The 8 back versions of Chewbacca are only known to have come packaged with Promo Card "F" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1. There are no known versions of Chewbacca on an 8F card.
Chewbacca - 8A Card
Chewbacca - 8B Card
Chewbacca - 8C Card
Chewbacca - 8D Card
Chewbacca - 8E Card
Darth Vader, known as Lord Darth Vader on the package was packaged with Promo Card "A" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1. There are no known versions of Lord Darth Vader on an 8F card.
Lord Darth Vader - 8A Card
Lord Darth Vader - 8B Card
Lord Darth Vader - 8C Card
Lord Darth Vader - 8D Card
Lord Darth Vader - 8E Card
Luke Skywalker was packaged with Promo Card "G" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1. There are no known versions of Luke Skywalker on an 8F card.
Luke Skywalker - 8A Card
Luke Skywalker - 8B Card
Luke Skywalker - 8C Card
Luke Skywalker - 8D Card
Luke Skywalker - 8E Card
Princess Leia was a late comer to the 8 back series (despite being planned from the start). As such, there are no known versions of this figure on an 8A or 8F card. She was packaged with Promo Card "J" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1.
Princess Leia - 8B Card
Princess Leia - 8C Card
Princess Leia - 8D Card
Princess Leia - 8E Card
R2-D2 was packaged with Promo Card "C" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1 There are no known versions of R2-D2 on an 8F card.
R2-D2 - 8A Card
R2-D2 - 8B Card
R2-D2 - 8C Card
R2-D2 - 8D Card
R2-D2 - 8E Card
Stormtrooper was packaged with Promo Card "D" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1. The figure is only one of two known to exist on a 8F card.
Stormtrooper - 8A Card
Stormtrooper - 8B Card
Stormtrooper - 8C Card
Stormtrooper - 8D Card
Stormtrooper - 8E Card
Stormtrooper - 8F Card
The last 8 back figure released was Yoda, the Jedi Master. This figure was packaged with Promo Card "E" from Star Wars Galaxy Series 1. There are no known versions of Yoda, the Jedi Master on an 8F card.
Yoda, the Jedi Master - 8A Card
Yoda, the Jedi Master - 8B Card
Yoda, the Jedi Master - 8C Card
Yoda, the Jedi Master - 8D Card
Yoda, the Jedi Master - 8E Card

The second release of figures are known as the 12 back. This series saw a re-release of all eight of the original figures with an additional four. The new figures produced were; The Emperor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo and two versions of Wicket which we'll discuss more in depth below.
Now in addition to hunting down cardback variations, collectors are also faced with the question of, "Do I hunt down all the various trading card variations?" The reason for this is because numerous cards are known to have been packed in with each figure on varying cardback styles.
You will note in our photos that there are several more photos of characters not listed above. Many of these were released on the 20 back cards, but are captured in the photos to show the basic style of packaging they were made available in.
There are three known variations of the 12 back cards released in the US, as well as one foreign version. They are;
12A - This is the first style of the 12 back cards, and as such are the most desirable for collectors. The front of the card is identical to that of the 8D card. However, there are a couple changes to the back side. The most obvious is that now the cardback showcases all twelve figures in production. The second change is a more subtle one that many miss - Chewbacca has been flipped to now be facing the right as opposed to the left.
12B - This package does away with the fitted bubble, and replaces it with a more standard rectangular one.
12C - This package is identical to 12B with the exception that it does not include the "Topps Star Wars Galaxy" crescent sticker on the package.
12A-F - This is the foreign version of the cardback which is identical to that of 12A with the exception of an import sticker which is adhered to the back of the card.
Above are the two known versions of the cardbacks themselves. The first is the US released cards. The second is the import "foreign" version.
Now let's talk about the 12 back figures specifically. As mentioned above, there are numerous combinations of cardback/trading cards that have been found to exist. Whether or not this is all of them is another story - These are confirmed;
Despite fixing the issue with C-3PO's leg color, JusToys released both versions on the 12 back cards. All of the gold versions were released with the same promo card - "B". The silver leg versions have numerous cards packed in.
C-3PO - 12A Card - Promo Card B
C-3PO - 12B Card - Promo Card B
C-3PO - 12C Card - Promo Card B
C-3PO (Silver Leg) - 12A Card - Promo Card B
C-3PO (Silver Leg) - 12B Card - Promo Card B
C-3PO (Silver Leg) - 12C Card - Promo Card B
C-3PO (Silver Leg) - 12C Card - Promo Card O
C-3PO (Silver Leg) - 12C Card - Promo Card W
C-3PO (Silver Leg) - 12C Card - Promo Card X
Chewbacca - 12A Card - Promo Card F
Chewbacca - 12B Card - Promo Card F
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card F
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card N
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card O
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card Q
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card S
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card X
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card Y
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card Z
Chewbacca - 12C Card - Promo Card BB
Han Solo was released in two versions. The first has become known to collectors as the long face version. This figure can also be spotted by its vest which has no pockets. The second version is known as the small face. This version is easily spotted by the vest which now has pockets. Though he wasn't advertised with the 8 back series, the long face version of Han Solo was first found on an 8F card style.
Han Solo (Long Face) - 8F Card - Promo Card I
Han Solo (Long Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card I
Han Solo (Long Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card N
Han Solo (Long Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card O
Han Solo (Long Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card Q
Han Solo (Long Face) - 12B Card - Promo Card I
Han Solo (Long Face) - 12C Card - Promo Card I
Han Solo (Small Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card F
Han Solo (Small Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card N
Han Solo (Small Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card O
Han Solo (Small Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card F
Han Solo (Small Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card Q
Han Solo (Small Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card V
Han Solo (Small Face) - 12A Card - Promo Card AA
Lord Darth Vader - 12A Card - Promo Card A
Lord Darth Vader - 12A Card - Promo Card N
Lord Darth Vader - 12A Card - Promo Card O
Lord Darth Vader - 12A Card - Promo Card Q
Lord Darth Vader - 12B Card - Promo Card A
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card A
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card N
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card O
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card Q
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card V
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card Y
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card Z
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card AA
Lord Darth Vader - 12C Card - Promo Card BB
Luke Skywalker - 12A Card - Promo Card G
Luke Skywalker - 12B Card - Promo Card G
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card G
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card N
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card O
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card Q
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card W
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card X
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card Y
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card Z
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card AA
Luke Skywalker - 12C Card - Promo Card BB
The second new figure to the 12 back cards was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Much like Han Solo, though he was not advertised on the 8 back cards, he was released on them. The most difficult to find is the 8E version which does not include a trading card.
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8D Card - Promo Card H
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8E Card
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8F Card - Promo Card H
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 12A Card - Promo Card H
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 12C Card - Promo Card H
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 12A Card - Promo Card N
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 12A Card - Promo Card O
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 12A Card - Promo Card Q
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 12A Card - Promo Card X
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 12A Card - Promo Card AA
Princess Leia - 12A Card - Promo Card J
Princess Leia - 12A Card - Promo Card N
Princess Leia - 12B Card - Promo Card J
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card J
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card N
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card O
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card Q
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card X
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card Y
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card Z
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card AA
Princess Leia - 12C Card - Promo Card BB
R2-D2 - 12A Card - Promo Card C
R2-D2 - 12B Card - Promo Card C
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card C
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card O
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card Q
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card X
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card Y
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card Z
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card AA
R2-D2 - 12C Card - Promo Card BB
Stormtrooper - 12A Card - Promo Card D
Stormtrooper - 12B Card - Promo Card D
Stormtrooper - 12C Card - Promo Card D
Stormtrooper - 12C Card - Promo Card O
Stormtrooper - 12C Card - Promo Card W
Stormtrooper - 12C Card - Promo Card Y
Stormtrooper - 12C Card - Promo Card BB
The Emperor was the third figure released for the new 12 back series. Much like the prior two figures, he made his first appearance on the 8 back cards - Though it was on the tail end of the wave.
The Emperor - 8F Card - Promo Card K
The Emperor - 8F Card - Promo Card N
The Emperor - 8F Card - Promo Card O
The Emperor - 8F Card - Promo Card Q
The Emperor - 12A Card - Promo Card K
The Emperor - 12A Card - Promo Card Q
The Emperor - 12A Card - Promo Card V
The Emperor - 12B Card - Promo Card K
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card K
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card N
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card O
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card Q
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card S
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card V
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card Y
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card Z
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card AA
The Emperor - 12C Card - Promo Card BB
Wicket was the final figure released for the new 12 back series. When he first made his appearance, it was on the 8F card, and at that point the figure was known as Wicket, an Ewok. When the figure was released on the 12 back cards, the name was changed to Wicket, the Ewok.
Wicket, an Ewok - 8F Card - Promo Card L
Wicket, an Ewok - 8F Card - Promo Card O
Wicket, the Ewok - 12A Card - Promo Card L
Wicket, the Ewok - 12A Card - Promo Card N
Wicket, the Ewok - 12A Card - Promo Card O
Wicket, the Ewok - 12A Card - Promo Card Q
Wicket, the Ewok - 12B Card - Promo Card L
Wicket, the Ewok - 12C Card - Promo Card L
Wicket, the Ewok - 12A Card - Promo Card X

The last wave of single carded figures was the 20 back. This series saw a re-release of a fair amount of the twelve figures prior to this wave as well as eight new figures; Admiral Ackbar, Bib Fortuna, Boba Fett, Emperor's Royal Guard, Gammorean Guard, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skwaylker (X-Wing Pilot) and Tusken Raider.
An interesting aspect to the 20 back figures is that even though JusToys had made a switch from fitted bubbles to a more standardized rectangular one that figures continued to be released in both styles. It is unknown why as it certainly would have cut costs to not produce them in the form fitted ones.
Much like the prior wave, package variations are all over the place in terms of cardback/trading card alternates.
Please note that the C-3PO as shown in the photo above is actually a 12 back version, and not the 20 back version. It was included for the purposes of capturing all package styles. A twenty back version is not known to exist.
There are three known versions of the cardbacks, as well as one foreign edition. They are;
20A - This card goes back to the form fitted style of bubbles, and features numerous changes to the front of the card. The first is that the (R) - Registered Trademark for the "Star Wars" logo has been moved from the middle of the "S" in "Wars" to the bottom of it. The second is that the [TM] for Bend Ems has been replaced with an (R) - Registered Trademark. The last change is to the back which has been updated with an all new cardback style reminiscent of Kenner's original The Empire Strikes Back line. It showcases all twenty figures now available as well as the all new Darth Vader Carry Case.
20B - This card is the exact same as the one above with the exception that the "Topps Star Wars Galaxy" crescent sticker is not present on the front.
20C - This last card switches the form fitted bubble back to the standard rectangular bubble. It does not feature a "Topps Star Wars Galaxy" crescent sticker on the front, nor are there any known to exist with it. The back of the card fixes numerous grammatical errors from the 20A and 20B cardbacks. The first was that they added the dash between Obi and Wan in the character's name. They also corrected the spelling of the word "Collectibles" in the "Fan Club" section of the card which was originally spelled as "Collectables". The last change was to the font size of the [TM] at the bottom of the card.
20B-F - This is the foreign version of the cardback which is identical to that of 20B with the exception of an import sticker which is adhered to the back of the card.
Below are the three known cardback types for the 20 back releases. The center image is the foreign released card which includes the square import sticker.
Admiral Ackbar was the first new figure release on the 20 back cards. In the US alone, he is confirmed to have been released with ten different trading cards. Admiral Ackbar is not known to exist on a 20B card.
Admiral Ackbar - 20A Card - Promo Card P
Admiral Ackbar - 20A Card - Promo Card S
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card Q
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card S
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card X
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card Z
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card AA
Admiral Ackbar - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
Bib Fortuna was a late release to the series, and as such has only been found on the 20C card style.
Bib Fortuna - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Bib Fortuna - 20C Card - Promo Card Q
Bib Fortuna - 20C Card - Promo Card W
Bib Fortuna - 20C Card - Promo Card X
Bib Fortuna - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Bib Fortuna - 20C Card - Promo Card AA
Bib Fortuna - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
Despite the character's massive popularity, Boba Fett was another new figure which wouldn't be released until the tail end of the series. As such, he is only known to exist on a 20C cardback.
Boba Fett - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Boba Fett - 20C Card - Promo Card Z
Though C-3PO and Chewbacca were released on a foreign 20 back card, they were never released in the US.
Emperor's Royal Guard was another new release for the 20 back series.
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20A Card - Promo Card M
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20A Card - Promo Card U
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20B Card - Promo Card U
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card Q
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card U
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card X
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card Z
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card AA
Emperor's Royal Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
Another late comer to the series was Gamorrean Guard, which first started appearing on 20C backs.
Gamorrean Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Gamorrean Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Gamorrean Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card V
Gamorrean Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Gamorrean Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card AA
Gamorrean Guard - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
By the time the 20 backs rolled out, JusToys had opted to go with only the small face Han Solo figures. As such, this is the only version of the character you can find on these cardbacks.
Han Solo - 20A Card - Promo Card F
Han Solo - 20A Card - Promo Card V
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card Q
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card W
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card X
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card Z
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card AA
Han Solo - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
Lando Calrissian was one of the final figures released for the series, and was only available on the 20C card style. What's interesting about the figure is that JusToys went with his general outfit as seen in Return of the Jedi as opposed to his classic Cloud City look in The Empire Strikes Back.
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card P
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card Q
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card X
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card Z
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card AA
Lando Calrissian - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
It was interesting to see that Lord Darth Vader was excluded from a 20 back card release. As for Luke Skywalker, while he did not get released in same fashion as the 8 or 12 back card version, he was updated with an X-Wing flight suit and released. However the card just refers to him as Luke Skywalker, making no mention of the particular clothing he is in.
Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot Gear) - Card 20C - Promo Card O
Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot Gear) - Card 20C - Promo Card R
Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot Gear) - Card 20C - Promo Card V
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card Q
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card S
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card X
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card Z
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
Princess Leia was not made available on the 20 back cards, and while R2-D2 was, it was towards the very end of the series, and in very limited quantities.
R2-D2 - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
Stormtrooper and The Emperor were two additional older figures which did not get re-released on the 20 back cards.
Tusken Raider was the last of the new figures to be released for the series. He was also the last figure released in general as neither Wicket, the Ewok or Yoda, Jedi Master were released on 20 back cards.
Tusken Raider - 20A Card - Promo Card R
Tusken Raider - 20A Card - Promo Card T
Tusken Raider - 20B Card - Promo Card T
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card N
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card O
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card T
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card X
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card Y
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card Z
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card AA
Tusken Raider - 20C Card - Promo Card BB
JusToys also produced a fair amount of gift sets which contained anywhere from four to ten figures in one pack. The four packs were released at most retail chains, while the larger packs were often times exclusive to specific stores.
These three gift sets below were unique and fun because each one was named after a film from the Original Trilogy - Though they didn't necessarily focus on characters strictly from each film they were named after. This is specifically noted in the Lando Calrissian in his general outfit from Return of the Jedi being featured in the pack for The Empire Strikes Back.
Topps promo cards were included in all but one set - the 8 piece Limited Edition set.
JusToys wanted to give their line a vibe of nostalgia to it. In order to achieve this, they released a carry case reminiscent to that of the original vintage series. To date it's one of the harder pieces to obtain in the series.
By now you should have the understanding that trading cards were a big part of the draw to these figures. As we mentioned above, at this point they may be the biggest draw to them. Many Star Wars Galaxy card collectors don't feel their collection of cards is complete unless they track down all twenty-eight of these cards.
Cards "A" through "W" consisted of promos for the first series of Star Wars Galaxy. cards "X" through "BB" are from the second series. As mentioned above, the only way to get these particular cards was by purchasing the figures.
Promo A (Darth Vader)*Promo B (C-3PO)*Promo C (R2-D2)
Promo D (Snowtroopers)
Promo E (Yoda)*Promo F (Chewbacca)*Promo G (Luke Skywalker)*Promo H (Obi-Wan Kenobi)*Promo I (Han Solo)
Promo J (Princess Leia)*Promo K (The Emperor)*Promo L (Ewoks on Endor)*Promo M (Boba Fett)*Promo N (X-Wing Trench Run)
Promo O (Death Star II)
Promo P (Lando Calrissian)*Promo Q (Vader Montage Poster)*Promo R (Luke Skywalker in X-Wing)*Promo S (Mon Calimarian)*Promo T (Tusken Raider)
Promo U (Emperor's Royal Guard)*Promo V (Gamorrean Guard)*Promo W (Bib Fortuna)
Promo X (Luke Vs. Vader in the Tree)*Promo Y (The Empire Strikes Back Lunchbox)
Promo Z (Luke and Leia Chasm Swing)*Promo AA (The Empire Strikes Back Concept Poster)
Promo BB (1977 Poster Concept)
As a whole, this series of figures and cards is massive, and quite the undertaking for collectors. As we said at the start of this article, it really comes down to how complete you need your collection, and just how much money you want to spend.
Please let us know if you find any version of the figures that we have not noted in our article. We are happy to credit any and all who contribute.
Join us next time when we take a look at Extreme Ghostbusters!
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