Retro Spins: Trio - Trio

Here's a fun fact I just discovered. With the exception of having more days, February and March both have the exact same dates every day of the week. The months both started on a Saturday. It won't be until November that the first falls on a Saturday for the remainder of the year. Neat!

Today, we're heading to Germany for the 1981 album Trio, by Trio.

The group formed in 1979, and consisted of Stephan Remmler, Gert "Kralle" Krawinkel, and Peter Behrens. They released their self titled album shortly thereafter, and though they had a strong following, their mainstream success didn't come until the third pressing and re-release of their debut, which now featured the 1982 single, and their most popular hit to date, "Da da da ich lieb dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha", translated into English as, "There there there I don't love you you don't love me aha aha aha".

While I bought their debut  for Da da da, I'd be lying if it was because they song was a must own for me, and not just a matter of filling a niche 80's hole in my collection. It also took me quite some time to track down the particular release I was wanting, as it's not too common in the USA.

As such, when I fired up their debut, I was unsure of what I was going to be getting. I was surprised when I was greeted with the short intro, Achtung Achtung, which featured a grinding guitar. This was followed by Ja Ja Ja, which took a solid punk approach, and only served to confuse me more. How did we go from their iconic synthpop track, to an album full of such edgy and hard driven music

It was here that I discovered that Trio were considered part of Neue Deutsche Welle. Translated as New German Wave, it's considered German rock music originally derived from post-punk and new wave music with electronic influences. This made sense to me now. What I'm sure also contributed to parts of the album resonating with me was the mixture of both German and English language being used throughout it. This meant that while I didn't necessarily understand the German parts, the English parts kind of helped to at least que me in as to what each track was about.

Songs were hit or miss for me though, and despite being only thirty one minutes long, Trio packed fifteen tracks into their debut. Where it falters for me is that at times it just feels like noise, whereas when they do it right, they nail it. This up and down made it's relatively short run time feel too long.

Overall, it doesn't excite me enough to want to track down their second and third albums, Bye Bye (1983), and What's The Password (1985). The latter is actually the soundtrack to a film released by Trio, Drei gegen Drei, translated as Three Against Three, which flopped even with the band's fans. It's also noteworthy that while Peter Behrens appeared in the movie, and on the soundtrack cover, he did not perform any of the tracks for What's The Password, having left the band due to disagreements with his other two band mates over financial matters. The group disbanded shortly thereafter in 1986.

Unfortunately, two of the three members passed away, Krawinkle in 2014, and Behrens in 2016. As of this writing, September 16, 2023 - yes, I work on posts far in advance), Remmler has continued to stay sporadically active in the industry.

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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.

March 16, 1985


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