Batman Apelsin Kolsyrad Läskedryck (AB Pripps Bryggerier)


Batman Apelsin Kolsyrad Läskedryck
AB Pripps Bryggerier

Why is it that foreign countries always get the cool and unique movie tie in promotions? Sure, the USA got Batman cereal, but where was our Batman soda?

In 1989, Sweden brewer, AB Pripps Bryggerier licensed the rights to produce a limited run of orange (Apelsin) carbonated (kolsyrad) soft drinks (läskedryck) based on the upcoming Tim Burton Batman film. The flavor was equivalent to popular brands of the day, most notably, Pepsi's Sunkist. The reason for this specific comparison is because Pripps was also licensed to produce and distribute Pepsi products in the Baltic States, Russia and Ukraine. As such, they would have had access to the drink.

The soft drink came and went quickly, and for many collectors of 1989 Batman related merchandise is highly sought after. Particularly in areas where it was never available. Though rare, empty cans don't typically sell for much, often under $10.00. While I'd love to tell you what a full can could fetch, I honestly have never seen one.

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