Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 192


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 192
Release Date: May 1979


  • Death of Spencer Smythe
  • Reference is made to The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 10
  • J. Jonah Jameson reveals to the readers why he's hated Spider-Man for all these years - Spider-Man reminds him that he's just a weak ordinary man
Low Points
  • Peter misses getting his college diploma
  • Peter misses his last chance date with Mary Jane
  • Spencer Smythe dies before seeing the conclusion of his plan...He should have called Scott Evil
  • Smyth says that he's dying from exposure to plutonium from Jameson forcing him to make multiple spider slayers...except he was paid to do those, and happily accepted - They were jobs
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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