Retro Spins: Boys Don't Cry - Boys Don't Cry


Boys Don't Cry is one of those unique groups that many people don't remember at this point. They only released two albums in the 80's, and out of nowhere, a third in 2014. However, for those who do recall the band, they probably do so for their one hit wonder status for the song, "I Wanna Be A Cowboy." It's an obscure 80's song at best, and not very good, if I'm being honest.

I added this album to my list of 80's albums I wanted to obtain relatively late on in the game. It was probably during one of those many sessions of digging into forgotten 80's tracks on Youtube, or via various Google searches that this one came back onto my radar. However, it remained a very low priority.

The album became even more of a lower priority when I started wrapping up my want list, which seems to continue to grow every time I turn around, a story for another time. It was non-existent on ebay, and in broadening my search, I was finally able to come across it at a whopping €100.00. That equates to $113.91 US dollars for those of you wondering.

Though I left it be for the longest time, I eventually came back to the listing, and during a period of having a bit of extra money I wanted to spend on CD's, I offered the seller €75.00, which he politely declined. I told him if he ever changed his mind to please let me know, as I would probably still be interested.

Fast forward several months later when the seller randomly reached out to me and said he would accept my offer if I was still interested. While considerable time had passed, as well as my overall desire to spend even €75.00 on the album, I was impressed that the seller had held on to my contact information for so long, and reached out. I honestly felt obligated at that point to complete the deal, so I did.

With the album in hand, I found myself intrigued enough to dive right into it, something I normally don't do. In the back of my mind I was saying to myself, "Well, this ought to be interesting." I was expecting something as obscure as their hit song, and as such was not prepared for what was about to happen.

Everything starts up with a building drum beat and piano, which ultimately becomes Cities On Fire. It grabbed me, hooked me, and pulled me down the street on a journey I didn't expect to be on. I really enjoyed the opener. From there, things went a little up and down, but overall, were enjoyable. I actually ended up grabbing four tracks in total from the album for my shuffle list.

What was also interesting to find out was that I Wanna Be A Cowboy is actually very different from the the rest of the tracks. Lead vocalist, Nick Richards has a great voice, and the rest of the band are no slouches either. Brian Chatton, Jeff Seopardi, Nico Ramsden, and Mark Smith all bring their "A" game.

The most exciting thing about the whole experience was that it left me asking, "Where can I get their 1987 follow up?" Man, I love when that happens! That's really what these Retro Spins are about. Sure, it's great to hear tracks I already know and love. But, my goal is to dig deeper. Discover tracks I didn't know, and find more and more music to expand my collection with.

Well played, Boys Don't Cry. I tip my hat to you...but I haven't got a hat.

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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.

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