Retro Spins: Elton John - Sleeping With The Past

When I first started planning out my 2024 Retro Spins posts, I only had two 80's albums from Elton John. However, by the time I actually got around to listening to 1989's Sleeping With The Past, that had grown to five. I also plan on hunting down a few of his 70's albums, with the intentions of eventually getting rid of the greatest hits albums I have.

As I fired up the album, I was somewhat intrigued, but at the same time kind of disappointed with the opening track, Durban Deep. It felt like a song I could add to my shuffle list, but at the same time, I kind of felt like, "Is this really the best this CD is going to offer?"

Fortunately, when it got on with track two, Healing Hands, I was into it. It was once again one of those, "I remember that song," moments, and as I've said in other posts before, I love when that happens. What was great was that it didn't happen once, but twice, when Club At The End Of The Street started up.

However, with exception of Sacrifice, which is the song I initially bought the album for, I didn't really hear anything all the worth while. Overall, it was a pretty bland experience, and one that leaves me worried that investing in more Elton John may have been a mistake.

In a prior post, I made mention that I have a lot of CD's to listen to, and that I hoped I would reach a point where I could keep up, versus catch up. However, listening to the three albums I did today, put into perspective why that probably won't happen. Not only is there just isn't enough time in a day. But, much like any marathon, fatigue sets in when it's back to back to back, and this ultimately contributes to your overall enjoyment. I don't think I have it in me to listen to another album today. Plus, I really don't want to.

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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.


  1. As an Elton John fan, I don't think I've ever heard of this. Definitely don't recall any of the songs you mentioned. We did see him in concert about 5 years ago. Amazing show. Was definitely a bucket list item. I've seen Elton and Bruce. We went to see Billy Joel but were rained out. :-(

    1. That's the thing with Elton though. He has so many albums that a lot of his material gets lost in the volume.
