Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 193


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 193
Release Date: June 1979


  • First appearance of Sandy Jones, and the security guard, O'Neil
  • J. Jonah Jameson formally fires Peter Parker
  • Ned Leeds returns, and finds Betty in Peter's arms
  • Ned punches Peter in the face - Hey, that's what you get for messing with another man's wife
  • Reference is made to Fantastic Four 207 - Peter's first assignment for the Daily Globe
  • The Burglar, Ben Parker's murderer from Amazing Fantasy 15 is rummages through the Parker's old home, which he's now renting - see issue 170 of The Amazing Spider-Man
Low Points
  • Why did this issue ruin that Peter Parker would be hired by the Daily Globe, and why does this event not actually occur in a Spider-Man book?
Excerpt from Fantastic Four 207

  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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