Comics Corner: Deadpool 11


My birthday was packed full of outings, but the day got away from me. As such, I won't be posting anything about today until tomorrow.

Title: Deadpool
Issue Number: 11
Release Date: December 1997


  • After going through a time portal, Deadpool and Blind Al land (literally) in the timeline of The Amazing Spider-Man issue 47
  • Peter Parker was (retroactively) in the same science club as Weasle
  • Deadpool disguises himself as *Peter Parker, and Blind Al as *Aunt May - Their disguised versions will be followed by a * below to differentiate between them and the real person
  • Deadpool asks Harry Osborn if he's having a seizure when he talks to *Peter like  beatnik, while also pointing out the ridiculousness of Harry's hair
  • *Aunt May sees the way Mary Jane acts, and thinks she's, "so young to be involved with the crack"
  • *Aunt May says that Mary Jane is, "dumb as a post", and says that between her (Mary Jane), and her Aunt Anna, there would be enough brain power to toast bread
  • Peter Parker makes a crack about how having a clone would be, "crazy talk"
Low Points
  • While Deadpool and Big Al get back to their own timeline in the end, there's no epilogue to show the alternate future that the two of them created by running amuck around 1967
  • Without an epilogue, the story feels like a joke without a punch line
  • It had its funny moments, but overall, I wanted to enjoy this more than I did
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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