Retro Spins: Billy Joel - Glass Houses


I'm trying to verse myself more on Billy Joel as I work my way through the wheel barrel full of studio albums I have from him. Today's picking was Glass Houses, and album which has a handful of songs I know from the radio back in the 80's.

As I made my way through it, I was actually pleasantly surprised by Don't Ask Me Why. It's always fun to stumble across a song that you find yourself saying, "Hey, I know that," but you had forgotten about it. I love those moments, and it's one of my favorites while doing these Retro Spins posts.

I think what surprised me most about this album was how quickly it ended. I felt like I had only just started listening to it when it was suddenly over. What was equally surprising about this was that I honestly wasn't hearing stuff that was mind blowing. You May Be Right, Don't Ask Me, It's Still Rock And Roll To Me, and a new song (to me), All For Leyna, were all I really heard that I liked. I suppose this was still 40% of the album, which isn't a bad average.

I've never been a massive fan of Billy Joel, and I don't suspect that's going to change anytime soon. However, it's still nice to play a song here and there from him every once and a while, and I'm glad to have four more to add to that shuffle.

In addition to playing some tunes, I also took the time to straighten up my long neglected shelf of music related VHS and DVD's. I got hooked on these when I was interested in rekindling the prime life of MTV. However, it quickly dawned on me that this was probably not worth pursing. There are so many VHS and DVD's out there, which is ironic because at the same time, the amount of music videos unavailable on any home release far outweighs what is. It would never be enough because something would always be missing. It's just not feasible to run down this rabbit hole.

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Disclaimer: They Toy Box does not endorse or contribute to piracy. Retro Spins posts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the music discussed here is available for sale, downloading or distribution.


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