Birthday Second Outing And Lunch


From McKays, we headed down the street to a place I'd not heard of, Kerbobble Toys. Based on the photos, and the generic looking building, had you told me this place would be special, I would have said, "Nah."

The few online photos showed minimum vintage stuff, and rather, focused on late 90's and beyond items. I wasn't expecting much. Then I walked in the door, looked up, and saw this...

Okay, Kerbobble. You have my attention now.

Just when you thought you'd seen it all while walking through this place, you found another room jutting off of a hallway. The place was meticulously organized, and everything neat and tidy. To top it all off, the two young ladies working there were as nice as could be.

While the store didn't have "everything", it had enough. There were gems, and then there were common items, but when combined, made for a fun walkthrough.

Not interested in toys? That's cool. They had a good selection of vintage video games too. What stood out here was that things, for the most part, seemed reasonably priced. They weren't low end, but they also weren't ridiculously high end, as is prone to happen at brick and mortar stores. Things were priced to sell.

They even had a fairly decent amount of comic books, and among them were some pretty big major keys. The two standouts I came across were the first appearance of Lobo, and the first appearance of John Constantine. These are two hard hitters that many comic collectors are on the hunt for, and much like everything else, prices seemed reasonable.

While I dug through the front of a few boxes, I didn't necessarily see a lot of stuff that interested me, but there was at least a vast collection available.

Overall, Kebobble turned out to be a gem find for the day. It was a lot of fun to walk through, and while I didn't drop a wad of cash here, I did end up picking something small up. The post of what I got for the day is coming up later.

From there, we started to feel a bit rumbly in our tumbly, so we made our way back to our neck of the woods. First and foremost, we had to pick up the birthday cake to have for later. Boy, that was a problem. But, much like our earlier trip to McKays, the mindset was, "It's not going to ruin our day." Being an ice cream cake, we first had to drop it off at home, but then immediately headed right back out, and stopped at a local Mexican buffet for lunch. Boy, if you think finding vintage toys is a rare find, try finding a Mexican buffet.

The "specialty" offerings vary from day to day, but the main staples stay. It's always hearty, and best of all, on the cheap side. If you leave here hungry, that's on you. Granted, we by no means took full advantage of the buffet. One plate was sufficient.

Refueled, and ready for more, we hit the road again to continue the adventure. Since this one's gotten a bit long with all the photos, that post will come in the afternoon.

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  1. Wow. Definitely a gem. Will need to check it out one day.

  2. How were the Battle Beasts priced? It’s a line I would love to complete, but didn’t get into early enough to get reasonable prices other than having ~20 from old days.

    1. They varied, with most being between $15 and $20 each. A select few were priced a bit higher, around $25 to $35.
