Nintendo Wins The 2020 Cash Grab Awards

Wouldn't it be great if such an award actually existed? A way of calling out companies for boneheaded decisions to release a cash grab on their fans?

If such an award did exist, I'd definitely nominate Nintendo for the win this year. For what you ask? Their 35th anniversary Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch.

In and of itself, this is a cool item. One that I initially considered getting. Then I saw the price. Fifty dollars! What? Are you kidding me?

This little handheld device may tout that it has the original Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels. However, fifty dollars it is worth not. At most, I would have paid ten bucks. Twenty if you caught me on a good day.

It's nothing but a handheld emulator, and one with a mere three games at that. The two mentioned above, and an updated version of Ball with a Mario makeover. There is no way this thing is worth a fifty dollar price tag. Not in a million years. You could buy a used Nintendo Entertainment system with the original Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt cardtridge for that price.

Though I'd say I can't believe they would have the audacity to try and get this price for such a simplistic thing, it is Nintendo after all that we're talking about. They're notorious for having no clue about their market. They seem to think their simps will buy anything, regardless of the price. Maybe they're right. Needless to say, I won't be one of those people.

Cool item. Way over priced rip off. If it's your thing, look for it to come out on November 13, 2020...FOR FIFTY DOLLARS!

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1 comment:

  1. I think this is pretty awesome, but yeah $50 may be a little too much for a game I have about 50 different copies of already.
