Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 189


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 189
Release Date: February 1979


  • Reference is made to The Amazing Spider-Man 18, 187, and 188
  • Last issue I learned J. Jonah Jameson's wife was dead, now I know her name, Joan - Seriously, did I miss this for over 100 issues, or is this the first time all of this has been mentioned?
  • A mysterious mummy? Who is it - Man-Wolf, AKA John Jameson
  • A mysterious mastermind behind it all? Who is that? - TBD
Low Points
  • Peter chokes Doctor Tompkins for saying that he bets Peter is relieved knowing he'll never have to see his Aunt May again
  • Betty Brant throws herself at Peter Parker - Remember, she's still married to Ned Leeds, who she ditched abroad
  • They're transferring Aunt May to a nursing home from the hospital on a gurney? Doesn't seem like she's well enough to be out of the hospital at that rate
  • I haven't mentioned this before, but a lot of unknown people in the Spider-Man universe have pigeon coups on their roofs - What's that all about?
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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1 comment:

  1. Guess pigeon keeping was a popular thing at one point -
