Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 196


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 196
Release Date: September 1979


  • Aunt May is dead...but not really
  • First appearance of Debra Whitman, and Michaelson
  • Joe Robertson quits the Daily Bugle
  • Joe tells Peter he had a son prior to Robbie, who died when he was six months old
  • Peter goes to his childhood home, and finds it trashed on the inside
  • Peter remembers who Doctor Ludwig Rinehart really was - Go all the way back to issue 24 of The Amazing Spider-Man
  • Kingpin returns, and has Spider-Man in his grasp in a cliffhanger ending
Low Points
  • None
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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