Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 188


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 188
Release Date: January 1979


  • First appearance of Brad Davis, and Jigsaw's henchmen, Louise, Archie, and Terry O'Conner
  • The prior issue now makes sense - Electro was paid to create the blackout for unknown henchmen to steal the body of John Jameson in his cryogenic state
  • I think it finally dawned on me with this issue the connection between Aunt May and Peter Parker - I get it now why she means so much to him
  • J. Jonah Jameson talks about his wife's death - I knew he was single, but did I miss that for over 100 issues? Or is this the first time it's been mentioned?
  • Liz Allan and Harry Osborn are being sneaky, trying to get Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson back together
  • Reference is made to The Amazing Spider-Man 162, and 176 - 180
  • Jigsaw is terrified of Spider-Man, and it's his fear that is his undoing in the end - Reminds me of Batman
Low Points
  • Despite the first few pages tying in to the prior issue, the rest of the story is a throw away, villain of the week
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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