Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 200


We interrupt our series of birthday posts for today's Comics Corner! 

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 200
Release Date: January 1980

Before we start, this worked out great! I'm not sure how, it certainly wasn't planned on my part. Here we are, celebrating my birthday, while reading the centennial issue of The Amazing Spider-Man. Not only that, but looking at the cover, it's January 1980, making it the first issue in the series to ring in the new decade.

I personally have fond childhood memories of this comic. It was the issue my dad bought for me on a whim, without me knowing, while we were at a comic book convention in the 90's. The reason this meant so much was that he didn't often gift me with things. It was truly a special occasion, and meant a lot to me.

Good stuff! Let's dig in!


  • First appearance of Dutch Mallone, and Harold Grimsby
  • Stan Lee is credited as writing just one of the pages in the issue, with fans being encouraged to guess which one
  • Spider-Man's origin retold
  • Peter stops a thief, coming face to face with the same security guard from Amazing Fantasy 15, in the process
  • Spider-Man reveals his identity to the Burglar
  • Death of the Burglar, the villain that started it all for Spider-Man
  • Aunt May takes Spider-Man's hand, finally trusting him to save her
  • Peter realizes that he wants to be Spider-Man so he can help people
Stan Lee's page

Low Points
  • None
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

Now back to our birthday posts...later today.

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