Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 13


Title: The Amazing Spider-Man Annual
Issue Number: 13
Release Date: December 1979


  • First appearance of Jimbo Ryan
  • Death of Kent Blake, who is a character who appeared for the first time all the way back in the 1951 comic, Kent Blake of the Secret Service
  • A mysterious stranger, allegedly a friend of Kent Blake not only knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man, but urges him to prove Black's death was murder, and not suicide
  • Spider-Man makes a subtle reference to Superman
  • The mysterious stranger turns out to be the ghost of Kent Blake
  • Eight pages of awesome rogue's gallery pin-ups
  • A schematical walkthrough of Peter Parker's apartment, The Daily Bugle, Daily Globe, and areas of ESU with images of some of the newest supporting cast members in the pages of Spider-Man
  • Peter Parker's apartment address is shared - 410 Chelsea Street, Manhattan, New York 10011 - It's a real apartment building.

Low Points
  • None
  • Kent Blake's lack of aging between his last appearance and now (prior to his death), is not explained
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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