An Immediate Arrival Of Series Nine and Ten!

When George of G.I. Jigsaw stopped by yesterday with the awesome series eight of Peg People, he handed me an extra large brown bag and said, "And here's series 9 and 10." Wait a second, mind blown. Wave 9 and 10!!?!? Heck yeah! George has been mad busy cranking these "figues" out, and I'm loving every minute of it.

When George handed this to me, he said, "Your
neighbors are going to think we're dealing drugs."

This one turned in to quite the game of guess the character, as George went rogue, and bounced all over the checklist. He stumped me completely with one, and I asked for confirmation on another, but had the right name associated with it.

First out of the bag was the unwrapped Angel. Quite an impressive wingspan meant this one couldn't be wrapped up in the traditional paper towel. No worries. It arived in one piece, with wings still attached.

This was followed by a newer character to the Spider-Man universe, Jackpot. There was a lot of specualtion surrounding Sony making a movie based on her a few years back. This caused her first appearance to jump in price, only to quickly tank back down to the dollar bins it originally came from.

Then there was the classic Marvel Team-Up chracter, Ka-Zar! I never quite understood Marvel's hangup to keep including him in Spider-Man stories, but I went with it as I read along.

When I first pulled this one out, I thought, okay, is this Basalisk, or Iguana? Could be either. After deciphering the method to George's checklist jumping, it was solidified as the latter.

He's one of those blink and you'll miss him chracters. Finisher, AKA Karl Fiers, first showed up in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 5, a story where we finally get the story on Peter Parker's parents.

Speaking of which, George also included Richard Parker...

...and his wife, Mary.

Returning to the pages of Marvel Team-Up, we next have Mockingbird...

...As well as Doc Samson.

Then I unwrapped the amazing Captain Universe Spidey variant. Man, George put a lot of work into this one. It's tied for first place with what was my favorite from these two waves.

That tie just so happened to be the next figure, Battle Damaged Spider-Man. When I envisioned this one in my head, this is exactly what I saw. It has a McFarlane vibe, Spider-Man issue 5 to be exact, and I absolutely love it.

We then jump back into the obscure characters with a former Daily Bugle co-worker of Peter Parkers, Ben Urich.

But then charge headlong into this awesome version of Julia Carpenter's Spider Woman, who first made her appearance in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars issue 6. Much like Spider-Man in this era, she too sported a black suit.

In a nod to the classic creatures of the silver screen, Marvel too had their own Werewolf, among others. Believe it or not, Spider-Man either fought or teamed up with most of them.

Mirage didn't make many appearances in the Marvel Universe. His first was actually in the pages of the issue featuring the marriage of Ned Leeds and Betty Brant, The Amazing Spider-Man 156. He was kind of a villain of the week.

Though he would go on to be a larger thorn in the side of The Punisher, Jigsaw, much like the anti-hero, made his first appearance in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man. However, his story and background would be more violently fleshed out in the full Punisher series.

Another late entry to the Spider-Man universe was Kindred, who first appeared in 2018's first issue of The Amazing Spider-Man, volume 4. By this point, I was sparsly reading new titles, pretty much just sticking to key books.

We pop back over to Marvel Team-Up for our last character, Valkyrie.

Well, I suppose I can't say last character. Once again, George dropped a mystery figure into the lot. One that wasn't included on the original checklist, but which fits in just nicely with the bunch.

Say what you will about comic book movies, but I dare say Kick-Ass wouldn't be the "household name" he is today without the film. Until it hit the big screen, this relatively unknown character who got his humble beginings in 2008 in Marvel's Kick-Ass, wasn't on most comicbook fan's radars. In fact, until the film came out, the books were pretty much relegated to dollar bins. Forgotten in time.

Kudos to George for yet another well thought out suprise "figure". I want so badly to start blurting out potential candidates (THE CROW), but I'm trying really hard to leave him to his own creative devices without input.

Then there was this one...

This is the one that stumped me. I didn't recognize it at all, and had to finally ask George. Fortunately, I wasn't lacking my spider knowledge, so that, at least, made me feel better.

When creating this most recent batch, George pulled images for Smasher, but you know, being Marvel Comics, there's of course more than one iteration. This particular version wasn't on the checklist because it's the X-Men version, a completely different character from the villainous The Smasher . I guess having "The" in front of his name makes all the differnece in the world?

No worries, as this X-Men variant will get added to the bunch, and hang around. It's still a cool "figure".

With everyone accounted for, and few extras, the checklist was updated.

Additionally, a new mail away promotion featured the all-new, Kick-Ass.

Collect them all!

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  1. Captain Universe Spidey and Battle Damaged Spidey were my favorites to paint. I had no idea who Mirage was. Google searches kept pointing me to Mirage from the New Mutants. Now that there is at least one completed from each checklist row, our OCDs will torment us to finish the whole thing
