Comics Corner: Giant Size X-Men 1

Title: Giant Size X-Men
Issue Number: 1
Release Date: May 1975

  • Featuring (in order of appearance) the new team; Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Banshee, Storm, Sunfire, Colossus and Thunderbird
  • Additional appearances by the old team; Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Angel, Iceman, Marvel Girl, Lorna Dane and Havok
  • The new team, lead by Cyclops, is sent to Krakoa on a search mission for the old team
  • The island of Krakoa is alive, and feeds on mutants
  • Cyclops escapes Krakoa after the first battle which saw the original team's disappearance, but it turns out was set free intentionally by the island because it knew he would come back with more mutants
  • When working together, the X-Men's powers compliment each other to seemingly provide a solution to every situation
  • Decent read for my first "official" introduction to X-Men comics, but can't say as I see myself as a long term fan - I mainly read it for the introduction to the characters due to Spider-Man crossing over into their book(s)
Low Points
  • Both the old and new X-Men teams bicker a lot with each other, often taking low blows - How are they a team when they don't seem to like each other?
  • Thunderbird doesn't want anything to do with Xavier's offer to join...Until he's called a coward. Then he's all in, no further questions asked. "What's the matter McFly? Chicken?"
  • One of the X-Men refers to Sunfire as, "The Jap" - WHOA!
  • Thunderbird calls Storm, "The Chick" and Colossus, "The Russkie". What is going on with this team and their disrespect for each other?
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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  1. Love this book. My first Uncanny X-Men was #163. A reprint of this came out shortly after that. Loved it!

    1. I listed a bunch of pros, but I really wasn't all that into the issue. I dug the plot twist of the island being alive and Cyclops falling for exactly what it wanted by bring more mutants. But the way the team acted towards each other just didn't resonate with me.
