Retro Spins: DeBarge - Rhythm Of The Night


DeBarge was another one of those family members groups promoted and released by Motown's Gordy Records. However, unlike their most famous quintet, The Jackson 5, DeBarge suffered from a lack of hits, rotating family members and substance abuse.

After releasing three albums under the label, The DeBarges (1981), All This Love (1982) and In A Special Way (1983), turmoil began. With many of the members addicted to drugs, Motown turned their attention to brother El, who they sensed was emerging as the star of the group. The relied on him heavily to record the groups follow up album, Rhythm Of The Night.

Not only would the album become their most successful, but it would see El and sister Bunny departed from the group to pursue solo careers with their record label. Despite this, additional family members would step into the vacant slots from the group to continue unsuccessfully under Striped Horse Records label (1987) and Truth Ministries Records (1991) for their final album to date.

Though Motown invested in solo careers for El, Bunny and Chico, the label would soon thereafter fire them, and brother El would go on to Warner Brothers to continue his relatively lackluster solo career. However, for that one moment in time in 1985, DeBarge was one of the hottest groups of all time with their number three and six hits, Rhythm Of The Night and Who's Holding Donna Now, respectively. Mind you, this wasn't the only Billboard hits from the group. However, it is their most commonly known.

Rhythm Of The Night, the album, is far from impactful. It has its hits, and it gets a nod of approval for them. However, beyond that, there's not much to be found here. Since I didn't have any sense of high expectations for it, it's not like it necessarily disappointed me. I didn't suspect it would blow my mind by any means.

Well...Wait. I take that back. It was disappointing that this CD was kind of expensive. For the price it runs on secondary markets, it should have delivered more than it did.

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