Comics Corner: Tales Of Suspense 39

Title: Tales Of Suspense
Issue Number: 39
Release Date: May 1962

  • First appearance of Tony Stark / Iron Man, Wong-Chu, Adam and Eve, Yinsen and Gundar
  • Original silver armor
  • Tony Stark trips on a booby trap wire, causing his injuries, the shrapnel moving closer and closer to his heart, and imprisonment by Wong-Chu
  • Wong-Chu wants Stark to build him a weapon, but instead he builds his first Iron Man suit
  • Death of Yinsen
Low Points
  • Iron Man's story is one of three, and the other two are unrelated
  • None
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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  1. Love the original Iron Man costume. Marvel Legends released a gold and silver version back in the day.

    1. I'm definitely a bigger fan of the red and gold version, but that's probably because that was my first introduction to the character.
