Comics Corner: The Amazing Spider-Man 61

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue Number: 62
Release Date: July 1968

  • First Gwen Stacy and Captain Stacy cover
  • Kingpin returns in this finale to a three part story arc
  • Norman Osborn feels there's a connection with the Green Goblin, but he simply can't remember
  • Death of Gerhard Winkler - Who dies in an explosion after being tackled by Norman Osborn
  • Captain Stacy's name is (presumably) cleared of any crimes        
Low Points
  • None
  • Captain Stacy tells Gwen that he has to go into hiding, but when she begs him not to, he says, "I have to. Because HE wants it that way." - Who is "he"? Kingpin? If that were true, why do his goons bust into Stacy's house just a few panels later? Wouldn't Kingpin have known he went on the run? Possibly even to where?
  • Norman Osborn is a pushover as a boss. Winkler (Kingpin's henchman / scientist) purchased all the equipment without Norman's approval, and yet when he finds out about it, he concedes quickly saying, "Okay. Don't do it again."
  • Winkler has a device that can hone in on people he's brainwashed
Rating (based on a 1 through 5 Stans grading system)

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