Echo Base: Take Two


If you read yesterday's post, you know I went to the newly opened Echo Base, and bought some great comics, toys and NES games. Well, today, I went right back there. This time with George of G.I. Jigsaw. I didn't have any plans to actually buy anything, but that plan went straight out the window fast.

First and foremost, I want to take a moment to answer a question from the comments of my last post. That being about the prices on the MASK figures and vehicles from reader Marcus. While I couldn't see all the prices, and because the store was rather busy, I could only get a range on these. The smaller ones were around $40.00, with the mid-sized being around $60.00. I could not see prices on the larger vehicles or individual figures.

George grabbed himself a few items, and I too set to task on rummaging around. I had to stop myself when I picked up a Marvel Legends retro style Hulk, Daredevil and Human Torch. While I was trying to justify to myself that these characters made frequent appearances in the early days of Spider-Man comics, I ultimately put them back, reminding myself that was not the plan I had for collecting this line.

Of course, that didn't stop me from buying more comic books and G.I. Joe toys.

I don't know what my obsession is with vehicles as of late, but I added two Cobra Ferret's to put in the garages of my Terror Drome. I've wanted one or two of these for a while, and when I saw both of these together, and then talked the guy down fifteen bucks plus ten percent on the final sale price of everything, I had to have them.

I had several more comics in my hands, but the price just wasn't right for the majority of them. I ended up grabbing just three of them to fill in some missing gaps. X-Force number 2 is part of the crossover event between (McFarlane) Spider-Man 16, and X-Force 3. I then nabbed up the Adventures in Reading promotional comic featuring The Amazing Spider-Man (AMS). While I don't typically buy AMS comics past issue 441, where volume one ended, there are a few here and there that I wouldn't mind owning. Such is the case of issue 611, which features the first appearance of Deadpool and Spider-man team-up. It's more so for the novelty than the actual story.

After today's trip, it has become very obvious that having this store in such close proximity to my house is going to be dangerous. This is not the kind of place where I am going to exhibit a lot of self control. I'm definitely going to have to limit my visits.

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  1. Thanks Toy Box for the quick reply as usual! Those prices for MASK don’t seem too shabby after browsing eBay recently. Love the purchase and idea of the Ferrets for the Terrordrome!

    1. No worries. I am going to take some photos after the holiday of my toy room.

  2. That was a fun trip and it's is definitely dangerously too close. Ha!

    Cool stuff. I had never seen MASK or Bravestarr items before in person. I knew the MASK stuff was smaller. It is a cool scale that works. Didn't realize Bravestarr figures were so big.

    Plenty to peruse.
