Retro Spins: Metallica - Master Of Puppets


When I first heard Metallica, it was by way of a friend who introduced to me, and also gave me, Kill 'Em All on CD when we were in high school. Granted, this was the 90's, and that album had been out for quite some time at this point. Firing it up, I quickly discovered the band that would usurp Guns 'N Roses as my favorite metal group, a decision which has since been reversed, and a whole new era of metal was born to me.

Things ramped up considerably with my first listening to Master Of Puppets, an album at the time I considered to be perfect from front to back. Tracks like Battery, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), Orion, and of course, the album titled track stood out among the best. However, I also enjoyed what would become the obscure fillers, I.E. all the rest.

As things often happen, I grew older, grew out of metal, and really started to dislike Metallica. Like many, this was shortly after the introduction of their black album. Mind you, I don't hate them for what others say was, "selling out". Instead, for me, I moved on because they just got overplayed from there. Metallica was everywhere, and over saturation of their "hits" dulled my desire to want to listen to them.

Don't get me wrong, I still "like" the band, despite not being a fan of their 90's and beyond era. They're one of the few who I've even gone and seen a live show of. But, overall, I've just moved on from their music.

Even in retrospect, for today's Retro Spin, I simply couldn't get into it. Ultimately, I didn't even want to hear it.

It was a little disappointing that this happened, because as someone who is nostalgic, I really was hoping this would be a fun trip down memory lane. You know, spark some great memories from my past.

I don't want to be too harsh on the album, because I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. It was in constant rotation throughout my teen years, and looking back on that, I know that it entertained me for numerous albums. Through the now tinted eyes of a once teenage boy, the album was, at the time, very important to me.

Master Of Puppets will forever be an album I have in my collection, but I think more so now as a completion piece to my ever growing CD bevy. I don't know that I'll ever look back on it again with the same fondness I once had.

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