Butch And Sundance, The Early Days (Kenner)

Butch And Sundance The Early Days

This post is special to me. Not because I have a love for Butch and Sundance, The Early Days. Quite the opposite. Until I finally put this post together, I honestly didn't know anything about it. No, instead, what makes it important is that it has taken me years to put this one together. I've started and stopped so many times because these toys have proven to be so elusive. It was an incredibly rewarding feeling to finally cross this one off my list.

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  1. Looks like the same style as the Lone Ranger figures.

  2. That's a very cool smaller line that no one ever seemed to talk about. The style of the figures reminds me of a cross between Kenner's Star Wars and the Adventures of Indiana Jones, which makes sense considering the time when this came out.

    1. Well that, and that these came from Kenner. They bottled lightning with the Star Wars figures, and were desperately looking for any opportunities to do it again.

    2. Yeah, you can kind of see the evolution of both lines in these. The presence of the knee joints definitely is interesting, especially that these came out so close to the original Star wars figures. I wonder why Kenner never gave the Star wars figures knees? I assume for these and Indy it was to ride the included horses though Kenner definitely had beasts for Star wars they could have utilized more.

    3. It certainly would have been a great evolution to incorporate bending knees into the Star Wars lines. In fact, now that I think of it, wouldn't it have made for some great variants if they went back ala G.I. Joe series 1.5 and remade the original figures with bending knees to keep up with The Empire Strikes Back figures and beyond? Ah, what could have been.

      Instead of straight arm vs. swivel arms for Joes, we could have been having straight legs or knee bends discussions for Star Wars.

  3. The Western Cafe is basically a modified version of the Creature Cantina, right?

    1. Taking a closer look the horses were reused for the Arabian Horse in Indiana Jones.

    2. Oh yeah, you're right! Good catch!

  4. They would fit in well with the Dime Novel Legends from ChickenFriedToys. Nice collection of figures that Kenner did.
